3.09: chapter thirty-eight

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"Remind me why we're doing this," Edi said, holding his skates tightly in one hand. He frowned and looked at me, blue eyes narrowed.

I shrugged and threw an arm around Connor's shoulder, "Con was in need of help."

Edi stared at me blankly, and then turned to Connor, whose brown eyes were wide in hope, "Still doesn't answer my question."

Connor glared at Edi and I broke out in laughter, only to be promptly shushed by Jay, who was practically shaking. I sobered up quickly and slouched back against the wall, tapping my foot against the concrete. The silence only lasted a few seconds before Connor turned back to me, brown eyes wide.

"Are we going in or not?" Connor whispered, pointing to the door behind me. He frowned and looked around, tugging his jacket tighter around himself, "I feel like Monroe's going to, like, pop out of nowhere and kill us."

I snorted and Connor just glared at me. Truthfully, he did have a point. Jay, Edi, Connor, and I were all standing out front of the Marlies stadium at midnight. Kelly had said she wanted to go skating again, and Connor had begged all of us to give him a few skating lessons. The only problem was, Connor didn't want anyone to see him getting lessons, so I promised him we could teach him in private.

I frowned and checked my phone, seeing that Elle hadn't texted me back. She promised she'd be able to sneak a key into the stadium off her dad and get us in, but Connor didn't know that. I knew he would've said Elle couldn't watch him get his lesson, so I just left out that small bit.

I turned and saw someone walking over to us. Connor yelped loudly, and Jay shouted, pushing Connor away from him. I turned and told them both to shut the fuck up, at the same time Edi elbowed Jay in the ribs to shut up. Everyone shut up and relaxed (though Con was half-crouching behind me), and I just grinned and waved at Elle when she got closer.

Con practically shot out from behind my back and stared at Elle with wide eyes, "Elle?" Con spun to me and waved his hands frantically, "Scott! What did you do?"

I grinned, "Got us a way into the stadium."

"No, no, no," Connor rambled, reluctantly stepping aside when Elle walked forwards with the keys, "Elle's going to see how badly I skate, and then she's going to tell Kelly. And then Kelly's going to want to break up - "

"To be fair," Jay said, grinning and ruffling Connor's already messy hair, "She's had a lot of opportunities to break up with you already."

"Jay, I swear to God I will kill you," Connor said, pushing past him and into the stadium. Jay snickered and I laughed, following behind my best friend, who was still rambling about how badly this could turn out.

"Calm down," Elle told Con, flicking out the light switch. I dropped down onto the bench and wrapped my arm around Elle's waist, pulling her towards me, "I'm not going to tell Kelly. Plus, it's not like she doesn't already know you can't skate."

Connor mumbled something that sounded like, 'real helpful', but dropped down onto the bench anyway. Edi and Jay sat down behind me, and I just pushed my skates further down the bench so Elle could sit. She smiled up at me, green eyes wide, and I grinned widely down at her, before giving her a quick kiss.

Things with Elle had been better than they ever had been. It had been a quick after I told her that I loved her, and we never really stopped saying it to each other. Connor had high-fived me and said how proud he was that I finally said it, and Coach Monroe reminded me of his gun collection in the baasement. Things was still pretty amazing, though.

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