Chapter 1 ✅

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Hi everyone. I hope with everything that's been going on, you're safe and inside. Who thought this would happen but you know what that's what life is all about. Being spontaneous I guess.

Well, this situation gave me time to go back to my writing and I couldn't help but come back to this book. I wrote this book three years ago. I will be editing it slowly chapter by chapter to bring it to terms of 2020 and craft it so good you won't be able to resist but read it all. Until then... You can either go on and read or save this in your library and read along as I go on to edit it.


Chapter 1 "Our new home for six months"


How many times have you moved from one place to another in just couple of years? I bet no more than my family did!

Moving had always been something that made me happy. Because every time we moved to someplace else, I had hope.

Hope for better. Hope for my family to be happy again.

And, the fact that my entire family was a bunch of crazies always helped through long journeys we covered together. It consisted of coolest dad in the world, a jock, a nerd, a cheerleader, and me who's... well, still figuring out where I'd fit in.

Travelling to an unknown town or a state was always a chaos-- a fun chaos nonetheless-- as my dad tunelessly sang to any song that rang up on the radio torturing his vocal chords and us until we all joined him in singing to satisfy him, an older brother who cracked humorless jokes which only made him laugh, a sister who kept bragging about the trending clothes of the month or how she learnt to do makeup and cute hairstyles from YouTube all the while giving me steps on how to act like a girl, and last but not the least, my younger brother whose nose was always glued to a book tied to his hands while he narrated some gross and some awfully gross facts to no one in particular.

And me?

Well, I preferred to just observe you know--being on the sidelines-- and soak in the feeling of just being grateful to be here with all of them.

That's us. And I loved us.

So, you see...? Why I'd never complained about moving.

Home for me was where they all were.

But, once upon a time we had a house we all called home. It was where mom and dad moved after their marriage, where Alden and I were born-- not literally, but you get the point. Where Tabby and Jamey found their safe place.

And we lived there till mom was alive. Her death broke all of us in ways we couldn't heal. She was the strongest pillar of our home who held all of us in one place. After her, we all shattered. Crumbling and crashing. In our own ways.

After her we all were miserable for months on end. But someone had to get up and gather those broken remains so at least the healing could get started. And that was me. It was hard not to cry when I was alone and harder in front of my brothers and sisters. Watching them lose it and not cry was the hardest.

It took more than a year for my dad to snap out of wherever he was stuck after mom left. He'd lost his job by that time and we were barely surviving on the leftovers and what Alden could earn under the table since he was only 13.

And the worst was yet to come.

I blinked back the tears and sucked in a deep breath as I glanced outside the window at the open fields sparkling under the sunlight. At least they seem happy.

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