Chapter 33

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Chapter Thirty Three- We're not our parents

I grabbed a pair of ripped blue jeans and matched it with my black tank top. I slipped the peach cardigan-- Tabby gifted me-- over my head and tied my curly hair up in a ponytail. I didn't know exactly what kind of place I was going to but I wanted to look a little more presentable than last time.

I sucked in a breath, putting on some mascara and tinted gloss to complete my look. I shoved my feet into my now clean black combat boots and snagged my purse from the bedside table.

I sprinted out and inside Alden's room, grabbing the keys from him. When he tried to either come along with me or talk me out of it, I raised a hand to stop him and gave him a hug. "I'll be fine. I promise." I tried to assure him.

He nodded, not at all convinced. But I needed to do this. I needed to know what was so important that Mr. Brinkley called me again. "Please, Alden."

When he didn't say anything, I kissed his cheek and told him I'd be back soon. Just as I swung open the front door, Easton was about to unlock it. Suddenly, it felt as if I hadn't seen him for so long but in fact I did this very afternoon. Even though it was from afar. His eyes held mine hostage at his mercy. My legs wobbled and I grabbed the door for support.

Did he read the letter?

The silence between us stretched, creating a rope around my neck and ever so slowly squeezing all the air out. I licked my lips but his eyes but he didn't even blink. I cleared my throat and sidestepped him, but he didn't move. Why was he doing this to me?

Tears poked at the edge of my eyes, ready to shed. I sucked in another much needed breath and smiled. "I-uh... Nevermind." I face-palmed myself and took one step out when his hand found my arm, gripping it so tight.

"What are you doing?"

He padded inside, apparently dragging me along with him. "Easton!" I tried to get my arm out of his grip but he was hell bent on not leaving.


That made him stop and let go of my arm. I rubbed at his fingerprints, wincing. He ran a hand through his hair, shaking his head. "You're not going anywhere." His eyes were haunted. Dark and Intense. Painful?

I raised a brow at him, amazed at his guts. "Excuse me? Now you want to boss me around?"

When he didn't say anything, I mumbled, "Forget it," And twirled to go back out, I was going to be late.

Again, he took hold of my arm. This time not so hard. "Fine then, I'll come with you to have dinner with papa Brinkley. Bon Appetite." Sarcasm dripped from his every word.

I glanced back at him but he was already moving, his fingers wrapped around my wrist. Tingles already started to spread through my arm towards my heart, warming my insides and causing butterflies in my stomach.

Then he let go of my hand and moved towards the driver's seat while I quietly slipped into the passenger side. Chevy Corvette was our ride today. The one I got to drive. The one he let me drive.

Don't go there. Let's just get through this night.

"Does he know you're coming?"

"Why do I care?"

"Right..." I let the silence choke me to death all over again.

Even though he was right here, he wasn't. He was so far away that I couldn't reach him. I wanted him to scream, yell, or fight with me. Anything. Anything other than this silent, please.

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