Chapter 35

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Chapter Thirty Five- Tell me it gets better

"Where are you going? It's starting." Tabby whined, grabbing onto my arm. I slipped my hand away and grinned. "I'll be back I promise."

She rolled her eyes at me and huffed, dramatically. But then nodded, "Be quick. I swear if you missed--"

And I was running back out the door towards the second floor library in no time. Easton had just texted me to meet him there, said it was important. I didn't understand why he couldn't come in here though. It's not we had to be secretive about us.

I shut my wandering thoughts and strolled down the hallway. I twisted the knob and it opened. I asked, "Easton?"

No one answered.

I sighed, "If this is one of your--"

"Look who do we have here." I twirled around on my feet so fast, almost tumbling back.

I swallowed the bile in my throat, "Arnold. What are you doing here?"

He stepped closer, shutting the door behind him. Not good.

I licked my lips, glancing around for something to hit him if needed be. "Stop okay. I don't want any trouble." He laughed, the most humorless laugh. His left arm was in a cast and the punch bruise was fading on his cheek.

I took a step further back and shook my head. "Easton would be here any minute. Don't do anything stupid. I swear--"

He lunged for me, slapping so hard, my cheek vibrated. Astounded, I think I went into comma for just a second. He grabbed my chin and forced his lips on me. Back in my senses, with all the force I shoved him with both my hands and kicked him in the middle of his legs. He cried, stumbling back. Fucking shit. Without wasting a second, I flung open the door and ran two step down the hallway when I bumped into Easton.

One look at me, my swelling cheek, and probably smeared lipstick, his face went ballistic. He stomped towards the door just when Arnold came out ready to hunt me back down. Arnold didn't even get a word out before he was down on the floor unconscious. He called his father and told him everything.

Then he grabbed my arm and took me to the nearest washroom. His face was pained beyond recognition. I could tell he blamed himself for this. I cleaned the blood and my ruined lipstick. Once done, I grabbed his hand and kissed his red knuckles. "It wasn't your fault."

He kept shaking his head, refusing to look me in the eyes. I cupped his cheeks and tip toed gently placing my lips on his. "I'm serious Easton. It wasn't your fault."

Then he was kissing me. His pain radiating off of him. We pulled away, his warm fingers softly brushing on the bruise that must be forming on my cheek. I shut my eyes when it sting and his lips touched my forehead. "I will kill him."

I smiled, shaking my head. "Then you would be in jail."

He smiled. "Mr. Brinkley is filthy rich."

I laughed, pulling him in a hug. "I know he is. But Easton Brinkley is not a murderer. He's kind and makes apology breakfast, brings ice cream and Chinese food with sappy movies, loves racing, helps Jamey get my birthday gift, and..." I pulled away staring in his eyes. "Love me so much."

"Are you blushing, Easton Brinkley?" I teased, wiggling my brows. He ruffled my hair to annoy me and made me run after him to kick his ass-- rescuing himself out of his blushing situation.


"You do know I'm dead when Tabby sees me, right?"

Easton laughed, squeezing my hand. "You think, you would make a tasty dinner?"

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