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Chapter Thirteen:

Ekka didn't realize how hungry she was until the fork met her lips. The eggs Adrian made her tasted like nothing she had ever had before.

Well, maybe Ekka was exaggerating --- a little --- but the hunger was still there. She scooped the eggs into her mouth as if she were never going to eat again --- and in her situation, it was quite possible she wouldn't.

"Slow down," Lucas laughed behind her, and Ekka froze, her breath hitching. She didn't want to make him angry by eating too quickly.

"Sorry," she mumbled through a full mouth. Then, she tried to eat more slower, which was practically torture because her stomach was growling non-stop.

Adrian, who had been at the stove cooking, turned around at her. "You don't have to apologize for eating, Ekka," he told her and then put more eggs on her plate. Ekka felt as if she would melt on the spot. She's hasn't been given this much real food since... She couldn't remember! "But be careful, though," Adrian continued. "Or, you could choke on it."

Ekka, too busy stuffing her face at a much slower rate, just nodded quietly. Adrian cooked Lucas and himself a plate of eggs and then he placed the dishes in the sink. Ekka sat quietly, staring at her hands as they ate and whispered conversations over the table.

A few minutes later, Lucas was done too. He took his plate --- and Ekka's when he noticed it was empty --- and placed it in the sink. "Okay," He grinned at Ekka. "We're going to go upstairs and take a bath, alright? Then, you can go lie down and sleep, if you want." Ekka nodded, she was really tired. She wasn't able to sleep at all for the whole night she walked to the Sheel building.

Ekka followed him around a corner to a staircase she never saw before. He then led her down a hall to a huge bathroom. It had a long mirror, a porcelain white toilet and a matching tub. There was a flurry white... Blanket on the floor and a shelf across the toilet with towels, rolls of toliet paper, and even books. The walls were a sky blue with white polka dots and it looked almost silly, and Ekka giggled.

Lucas grinned as she marvelled at something as simple as a bathroom, and looked very excited. "Alright, I'm going to run you a bath, and bring you some clothes.  Now, we don't have any little kid clothes, so do you mind wearing a big shirt?" Ekka nodded, but she wasn't quite listening. "Alright, then." He stepped forward and put something in the tub. Then, he turned the water on.

"Do you want bubbles?" Lucas asked and Ekka furrowed her eyebrows.

"Bubbles?" Ekka asked, confused.

Lucas blinked, then smiled, "So that's a yes." He turned to the sink and pulled out a very decorated bottle. Then, he dropped a capful into the water and set it down.

Ekka stared in amazement as small white... Circles appeared from the water. She recognized these from when she had to wash dishes at school, or when she cleaned the lions. But... She never knew they had a name! Or, that you could make them smell good! These 'bubbles', as Lucas called them, smelled like flowers in the spring. Ekka could still faintly remember that smell, even though she hasn't smelt it a long time.

"Do you like it?" Lucas asked and Ekka turned to him, smiling, excitement filling every inch of her.

Lucas looked proud. He smiled back and stood up, grabbing a small towel off the shelf and handed it to her. "Here. Use this to wash yourself off. I'll be back, alright? I'm going to keep the door unlocked too, but I'll knock before I come in." Ekka nodded and Lucas stood and left the bathroom.

Ekka waited a few seconds before eagerly peeling off the grimy, dirty clothes she had on. When she was ready, she stepped a toe into the tub and shuddered. It was hot, but not too hot that it burned her. Ekka loved it!

Withering Wishes . • . X-Men Fanfic . • . BOOK 2 Where stories live. Discover now