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Chapter Fifteen:

"I am going to sleep here?" Ekka asked, a bit awestruck. The room was huge, bigger than anything she's ever seen.

The walls were white, the only room she hadn't seen with wallpaper, and there was a huge window along the side of the room. It was blocked by heavy curtains, but a bit of moonlight streamed through anyway. Along the other side of the room was a huge bed that was probably two times as big as her bed back at school. There was a bookshelf that had been completely full and a few boxes of books on the ground as well. Both of them had been collecting heavy dust.

Across the bed was a closet that was empty, but was a few feet deep and very wide. Ekka knew she would never have enough clothes to fit a closet as big as that.

"Yep!" Lucas grinned, "Adrian will be back in a few hours, but you'll see him tomorrow morning, alright?" Ekka was still at a loss for words. "You can get ready for bed, is there anything else you need?"

"I..." She suddenly frowned, the bedroom feeling as if it were too much to take in for one person. Her panic for even sleeping for a few hours by herself returned and she twisted her fingers. "Could... Brownie come up here with me?"

Lucas pursed his lips, but sighed and nodded, "It looks like it'll be chilly tonight anyway. I'll bring them both up here, if you want." Ekka beamed, excitedly, clapping her hands together.

"Thank you!" She smiled, appreciation dancing in her voice.

Lucas smiled and shooed her to the bed. "Adrian and I are just down the hall --- if anything happens, you can come get us, alright?"

Ekka nodded and went to the bed, but it was taller than her. She flailed, her small legs trying desperately to climb, but only managing to slip on the side.

Lucas laughed loudly, coming over to help her. He lifted her under the shoulders and set her in the bed. Immediately, Ekka felt as it her entire body was sinking into the mattress. She let out a noise of alarm, and Lucas helped her out just as quickly.

Ekka breathed for a minute, slightly scared. "Ca--Can I sleep on the floor?" She asked after a minute. Lucas nodded, and turned out the room for a minute. He came back with a rolled up bundle in his arms.

"Here's a sleeping bag," he presented to her, helping her unclip the sides. It was dark blue and reflexive, but when Ekka touched it, she didn't feel as if she were about to fall through.

"Thank you," Ekka said, and Lucas smiled at her.

"C'mon, let's go bring Brownie and Blanca inside," he said, and Ekka followed him out of the room.


Ekka was fast asleep when she heard her door open. Her eyes peeked open, she had always been a light sleeper. Adrian stepped in, he was wearing a weird blue uniform and matching pants. He glanced at the bed, noticing that it was empty. Then, he saw her on the floor and smiled.

"You awake?" He asked softly. Ekka nodded and rubbed at her eyes. Brownie and Blanca were sleeping soundly beside her. A day of playing wildly in the sun finally got to them.

"... Yes," Ekka said after a yawn.

Adrian smiled and bent down, "I just wanted to wish you good night," he said. Then, he kissed her forehead. Ekka was still, her eyes wide with shock. She vaguely remembered Xavier doing that when he wanted to take her memories. However, when Adrian did it, she didn't feel as though she's forgot something. Nothing happened.

When Adrian moved away, she looked at him, confused. "Wh--Why did you do that?" Ekka asked.

"Do what?"

Withering Wishes . • . X-Men Fanfic . • . BOOK 2 Where stories live. Discover now