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Chapter Fourteen:

Charles' fingers were folded in front of him. "We've gone as far as Northern Bronx area, Professor," Dr. Wellman said. "But, there is no sign of her."

"Search again," Xavier said immediately. The man's eyes widened, slightly shocked.


"Do I have to remind you of the potential danger this child brings?" Xavier snapped. "If the media were to find out that a student was missing, and a dangerous one at that, we would be ruined. We need to find Ekka. She isn't that fast and won't last long without food or water. Somebody should have seen her by now. Start asking questions, and go north if you have to."

"Yes, Professor," Doctor Wellman conceded, and began to leave.

"I'll try my Cerebro again, Doctor," Xavier told him before he left. "If I find anything, I will contact you."

"Yes, thank you, Professor," Dr. Wellman stiffly nodded before fading into nothing.

Xavier leaned back, rubbing his eyes. She only nine years old. Where on earth could she be!?


Ekka giggled wildly, running as fast as she could. "No! No!" She cried, turning the sharp corner only to find Adrian. He scooped her up before she could scream and began to tickle her.

Ekka squirmed laughing harder than she could bear. Lucas came from around the corner and helped. Ekka gasped for breath, curling up as she laughed endlessly.

"Okay, okay, that's enough," Adrian said after a full five minutes. He put Ekka down and she had to wobble for a second, feeling stitches in her sides from the laughter. "I have to go soon," he told Lucas and Lucas nodded.

"Where are you going?" Ekka asked, curiously. He smiled and rubbed her hair.

"Emergency room. I'm a surgeon, remember?" Ekka did remember. She asked him earlier what that meant.

"'I help people when they aren't feeling good,'" he explained to her. "Sometimes, people get really hurt and they need this thing call 'surgery'. I'm one of the people that help perform the surgery'."

"Be safe," Lucas reminded him and he nodded, pecking Lucas on the cheek before heading out. When the door closed, Lucas turned to Ekka. "C'mon, let's go upstairs. I have to finish my book and you can help."

"Your book?" Ekka echoed as they climbed up the steps.

"Yep," he smiled. "I'm a writer, so I get to stay here and write books."

"You can write?" Ekka asked in awe. Lucas gave her funny look.

"Of course," he said. "Can't you write?" Ekka immediately turned away, eyes on the floor and she twisted her fingers.

"I... Uhm... N--No..."

"Hey, that's okay, Ekka," Lucas assured, bending down and smiling at her. Ekka gave a hesitant smile back. "I'll teach you to write, alright?"

"Okay," Ekka said, but a part of her didn't care much for writing or education. She didn't think she needed it much.

Lucas opened a door that lead to a really messy room. There were tall bookshelves on the sides of the walls, but no books the books were stacked on the floor in tall piles. There was a zigzag pattern that Lucas followed with ease in order to get go his desk in front of a window. On the desk was a very big computer Ekka had only seen in Xavier office, an old typewriter, and a jar full of pencils and pens.

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