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Chapter Nineteen:

Ekka woke up to shouting and sobs. She tried to move, but her head was pounding and her feet burned from the slightest movement.

"Go on," a man grunted as she was dragged into a warm room.

Ekka looked around, students were sitting on the ground, either crying, comforting other students, or glaring at the men who pointed guns at them.

Ekka squirmed, trying to move despite her nausea and injured feet. The man only gripped her shirt tighter and tossed her towards the other students.

Ekka tried not to panic, she tried really hard not to think about what Xavier would do when he found her. Her throat felt tight as she swallowed down the pain, and squeezed her eyes shut.

"If I see you try to leave again, I'll shoot you," the man threatened before turning to leave again. Ekka didn't care to listen, she kept biting her lip and forcing herself to breathe steadily. If she had an incident like what happened with Vera here ― with all the students and men with guns ― it would be a bloodbath.

"Hey," a girl spoke gently, coming to her. "Hey, it's going to be okay," she said soothly, rubbing her back in comforting circles. Ekka thought she recognized the voice, but didn't look up. "What's your name? I'm Jean, Jean Grey."

Ekka practically jumped away, staring at the girl. She looked a bit older now, and her long, dark, fiery hair was cut bobbishly. Jean stared at Ekka for a few seconds. Ekka could feel the girl reach out with her mind and she flinched. She didn't want to be hurt anymore!

Ekka didn't expect Jean's touch to be so different from Xavier and her Father's. They always took, and slithered into her like a snake. Jean was soft and gently, as if waiting for her permission to see into her head. Ekka knew she could do it without asking, but the gesture made her body ease.

Ekka bit her lip and calmed down. Jean took this as a 'go-ahead'. Ekka let her look through her memories, she saw every encounter Ekka had with her the year previous. She watched the countless hours spent looking outside her bedroom window while Flutter and Brownie played inside. She heard their conversation, when Ekka used to laugh and smile.

Jean saw Ekka mourn Vera's untimely death, and how Jean talked to her and calmed her down.

Jean pulled away finally and Ekka breathed. She realized she had been clutching her oversized shirt Lucas had given her the entire time. Jean stared at her and Ekka looked away, suddenly uncomfortable, even under a familiar gaze. "Ekka? Is that you?"

"I... Yes," she answered in a small voice. Jean smiled and moved close to the girl, wrapping her arms around Ekka's small frame. Ekka jumped from the sudden embrace.

"You've gotten smaller! A lot smaller! What happened!? Where did you go? I thought Xavier said he'd help you. Why are you wearing that? Where have you been?!" Ekka felt stunned by the sudden amount of questions. Jean didn't let go of her, and Ekka realized that she didn't want her to.

"I was... Away. Xavier hid me. I--I was too dangerous. I..." Ekka suddenly felt as if she was out of words. It was strange, after months of wishing she had someone to talk to, now that she did, she didn't know what to do. She felt embarrassed to tell Jean the conditions of the cell she spent countless hours in. Ekka didn't want to remember it now.

Jean looked Ekka up and down, realizing the blood on her hands, knees, shirt, and feet. "You're bleeding. Are you hurt?"

"It--It is just glass. I... There was an accident, and―" Jean didn't let her finish.

Withering Wishes . • . X-Men Fanfic . • . BOOK 2 Where stories live. Discover now