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Jungkook's POV

Completely mesmerized, he watched as Hoseok's finger traced the glass of soda he had from across the table, noticing how the tip sometimes slipped off and almost fell into the drink before returning to circling the rim once again.

They were currently sitting in some restaurant that Hoseok had said he wanted to try since they had the day off to which, out of pure curiosity, Jungkook had agreed to go to. He wasn't normally one to go out and eat, preferring to order takeout to his place and eat it on his couch while watching television. He was a bit lazy, but didn't usually slack off when something needed to be done.

He had been nibbling on a salad the whole ten minutes they had been there, awaiting their full meal. The place was quite busy, half or more of the tables being occupied. The decor was hipster like with plants hanging from the ceiling, in pots in corners, in vases on the tables, and the walls a silver and black uneven brick, the tables wooden. There were only two sources of lighting; the circular ones hanging from the ceiling letting off a dull yellow glow and the two big windows at the entrance door.

There was no loud talking or yelling coming from the kitchen, only the sound of distant, quiet voices. Jungkook was more used to the opposite, all of the expensive and fancy restaurants he went to had yelling coming from the kitchen, loud chatting from customers and also people yelling for waiters or waitresses. It was all new for him, but he kind of liked it. The quietness was oddly relaxing and peaceful.

"Hey, Kook? Kook? Kook!"

His best friend's voice broke him out of his reverie, only then did he notice that Hoseok's hand was resting at the bottom of the glass and not circling the rim, he was simply staring at the top of the glass. He lifted his head, gaze meeting the older's and he blinked, coming back to his senses.

"Yeah?" He responded, blinking repeatedly to fix his vision from the way it was having trouble focusing due to looking at one place for however long it was.

"Just making sure you hadn't gone brainless. You okay?" He could tell just by Hoseok's face that he was a bit skeptical. Jungkool nodded, shrugging of his worry.

"I'm fine, just . . . thinking, I guess." He turned his gaze to his salad, picking up some on his fork, guiding the green leaves into his mouth and he slowly chewed, staring at his fork. His surroundings were so unusual, it was throwing him off a bit. He didn't like new things very much, besides clothes and things such as that, but environments bothered him a lot.

"I'm not buying you it, Jungkook. You looked pretty shook, like you were trying to figure out the reason of our existence or something. You weren't doing that, right? Because I read an article one time that somebody had and went into a coma. I do not want nor need your being in a coma on my hands, yeah?"

"No, nothing like that, Hoseok." Jungkook responded dully. He shrugged, playing with his salad with his fork. He jumped a little when an orange haired boy spoke, asking something that Jungkook didn't catch. Luckily, Hoseok did.

"Yeah, he is."

The boy standing at their table was the boy who had seated them and taken their orders earlier. The boy's face transformed from curiosity to shock. It easily had Jungkook figuring out what he had asked them.

"Oh, oh. Um, well, I'm a big fan! My name's Taehyung and I just started working here. Is there, uh, anything I can do for you while you wait?" The boy's voice was unbelievably deep, in no way matching his looks.

"No, not really. Thanks, Taehyung." Jungkook answered to the worker, giving him a forced smile. He couldn't help but feel uncomfortable in the restaurant but tried his best to not appear rude. It'd affect his image and the boy might talk.

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