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I will be soon publishing a new book, but it isn't BTS or kpop related. It's a Tronner ff, shipping Troye Sivan and Conner Franta. Please go check it out and give it some love, even if you aren't familiar with the ship. You might like it!



Jungkook's POV

"Is my apology not enough? Is there something you want from me? I have no idea what your problem is! I apologized to Yoongi hyung and he forgave me, why can't you?" Jungkook leaned forward, elbows resting on the bar's table they were seated at. Yoongi was sitting across from him to the left and Jin to the right. He had yet to be told what Jin was to Yoongi. Brother? Cousin? Friend? Best friend? Boyfriend? He had no idea and he felt small under the dark eyed glare of the elder. All he was asking for was forgiveness after he apologized.

"No, it isn't enough! You insult him like he's below you and expect me to forgive you so easily? Yoongi may have but I'm not going to until you can prove to me that you really mean what you say. For all we know, this could just be show for whatever reason!" Jin spit, arms crossed over his chest as he leaned back in his chair. Yoongi sighed and Jungkook did too. Why was this man being so difficult? And how was he supposed to prove that he was sorry? He called Yoongi specifically to apologize to him not whoever this Jin was. He honestly didn't understand why Jin was here in the first place. He invited Yoongi and Yoongi only, not someone he didn't know.

"Hyung, don't be like that! He's obviously sorry. Can't you just forget about it and forgive him so that we can all move on from this?" Yoongi turned to Jin, placing a hand on his shoulder with a grim smile and furrowed brows. Jungkook watched the exchange silently, feeling it was rude to intervene during the twos conversation that didn't overly include him.

"Don't talk to me like you're my hyung, Yoongi. You've been acting up enough lately and I have every right to not forgive this man. Do you know how long you were sad? You wouldn't talk to me like you usually did. He had no business talking like that in the first place! He's lucky I didn't gauge his eyes out with a spoon, disrespectful kids these days."

Jungkook grimaced at Jin's words. He hadn't realized his own had affected him so badly. Surely, it could be easily forgotten? "Look, I have a lot of money, I can-"

"Does it look like I want your money?!" Jin's cold gaze focused back on him and Jungkook bit his lip. The man was fucking scary when he was mad. "Money doesn't by happiness nor forgiveness, Mr.Jeon. You'd be good to remember that. And until you figure out how to fix what you caused, you can stay the fuck away from Yoongi. Don't call him, don't talk to him and especially don't touch him! I will break all of the bones in your body if you so much as glance at him. Don't test me, kid."

Jungkook's eyes widened at Jin's harsh and protective words. This man was not joking around, he was completely serious. He held his hands up in mock surrender, swallowing hard. Jin had instilled some serious fear in him and he was not going to fight with him. He looked at Yoongi who was adjusting the snapback on his head and giving him an apologetic smile. "Jungkook, I am really sorry about my hyung. He gets worked up easily about me. Jin hyung, let's just go. Don't cause a scene, okay? It'll affect this man's image and-"

"You're worried about him now? Fine, let's go. We need to talk anyway and this is quite obviously not the place to do it." Jin stood up from his chair, pushing it back in ruffly and Jungkook flinched as it hit the table and caused the whole table to shake. Yoongi stood, making a calling gesture at Jungkook and Jungkook nodded, getting the hint. He watched as the two stood up and left, Yoongi's arm wrapped around Jin's waist and the elder's arm around his shoulders.

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