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Another new chapter . . . . Enjoy!


SeokJin's POV

Yoongi, the Little Hybrid, was laying with his head in Jin's lap on the couch, his left ear twitching every now and then while he contentedly sucked in the bottle the elder had just made. Luckily, Yoongi hadn't cried for long. Jin had had to set him down at the kitchen table for a minute or two while he heated up the milk and added sugar and cinnamon to it - just the way the younger liked it - but was able to keep him busy with a strawberry sucker he found on the kitchen island. He wasn't sure where it came from, because it had not been there when he went to bed, but he dismissed it with a shake of his head.

Yoongi had probably gotten it from some where.

He stroked the Little's hair absent mindedly, earning a gummy smile in return from around the nipple of Yoongi's bottle. The bottle was blue with little chocolate chips and mint mochis on it. Even the nipple was a blue and green colour. It also made Jin feel better to take care of his dongsaeng, even more so when he was so far in Little Space. Unfortunately, he doubted Yoongi would be falling asleep anytime soon. The Little was always energetic and playful when he first went into Little Space.

The bottle was soon tossed in the floor, Little Yoongi watching in fascination as it made a loud sound on the wooden floor when it made contact and then proceeded to roll across the floor. Yoongi swung his arms around, giggling at nothing - or the bottle; Jin wasn't sure which.

"Alright, Yoongi, how does bed time sound?" SeokJin offered with a hopeful smile, trying to hide his fear for the Little boy's response. Yoongi looked up at him with furrowed brows, letting out a barely intelligible,

"Nuh uh!"

Jin sighed and shook his head, shoulders slumping in defeat. "Well, fine. What do you wanna do, Yoongs?" The younger then attempted to roll off the couch, but Jin's sharp motherly reflexes grabbed him before he could. "Not that, baby." Yoongi squirmed in his hold and the elder set him down on the floor, watching as he started crawling around in front of the couch. He grabbed a hold of his bottle and started banging it on the floor, resulting in loud smacking sounds.

The elder watched with pursed lips, hoping to whatever gods there were that he wouldn't get a headache. He hated headaches. Nevertheless, he put up with it - for about a whole minute. SeokJin got up and took the bottle from Yoongi, gaining a long whine in return. He set the bottle down on the table next to the couch and picked Yoongi up, supporting him under his bum and around his middle. Yoongi kicked his legs back and forth, sucking on his thumb, hair messy and eyes wide and full of innocence.

As Jin made his way to Yoongi's room to get some of his toys and change him into his pajamas, the Little began to fuss. He started screaming bloody murder - like he was being stabbed - right in the elder's ears. Jin cringed and moved faster, grateful when he could set Yoongi down on his carpeted bed room floor. The younger still screamed and Jin hurried over to his bedside table, opening the bottom draw and pulling out his blue pacifier that was buried under a bunch of stuff. Yoongi must've been hell bent on refusing Little Space. Shaking his head, he made his way back over to him, crouching down and rubbing the pacifier's nipple against his lips.

"Does Min Min want his paci? Hm? Does the Little baby want his paci?" SeokJin baby talked him, cooing and doing his best to get him to take it. Yoongi, being as stubborn as he always was, refused. Jin set down the pacifier, looking at the Little with pursed lips. "What do you want, huh?" He said this more to himself than to Yoongi.

He thought for a minute before attempting to take off Yoongi's shirt. Maybe he didn't like the clothes he was in? Sure enough, Jin's mother instincts weren't wrong. Yoongi immediately lifted his arms up, wiggling happily when the shirt was pulled off and set aside. SeokJin watched in amusement, tickling his sides gently. The Little laughed and pushed at the elder's hands, smiling. This, of course, brought a smile to Jin's as well.

WANT | JinKook Little Space ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن