Chapter Twenty One

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A loud, harsh clap filled the air. Kai's face was tilted, facing to the right. It took him a moment to realize that he had been slapped.

"You were a jerk, Kai," Belle fumed furiously. He briefly closed his eyes, feeling her anger resonate at him. Then, he hardened his heart, putting on his stoic look.

"This is who I am. I think you're confusing me for Kaiden," he replied dispassionately. Her eyes twitched and shimmered slightly. Damn it, if he didn't tone it down, he would end up making her cry.

"Now, I need you to do something," he decided to forge ahead. The sooner he got it out, the sooner he could leave.

"What do you want now?" Belle asked stonily. She refused to look him in the eye, trying to punish him.

"I need you do to some more spying," he ordered. "There's a witch in disguise and I want to reveal her."

Belle's eyes widened at the news. "A witch?" she asked, as if to clarify. Then her face became expressionless, although he could still see the brewing annoyance underneath.

"How do you know I'm not the witch?" Belle asked defiantly. He watched as her fire came back.

"You're not the witch," Kai stated with certainty. "If you were, you wouldn't have been hurt by any wolf pack. Even if you were and you let yourself get hurt around me, that doesn't mean anything. However, if I'm not around, then it wouldn't matter if you used magic to save yourself. Which you didn't," he explained.

"Anyways, dig around into the other girls possessions," Kai gave another command. Maybe she would find something strange enough to be a magic ingredient or talisman.

Belle's eyes widened in realization. "You mean, the witch is one of us?" she asked, stunned. "Is she...bad?"

She looked like she was struggling with getting her head wrapped around the idea.

"I owe her a thank you, but I want her gone," Kai answered vaguely.

He really would like to thank Agatha for conjuring his existence but she could harmfully impact how this was going to go. He had no idea of what her intentions were and he did not want to take a chance.

Sebastian was already a wild card that was there and the only reason he was staying was because he would be leaving soon. Especially considering his 'princely' duties he'd be required to fulfill. That also meant that Sebastian could not die there, otherwise unwanted attention would be drawn to Kai and the castle.

"How do I know if it is her?" Belle asked.

"You're clever. You'll find a way. Although I suppose I should give a description of what she actually looks like: blonde-haired and hazel-eyed. Agatha, the witch, also has a very short temper, but that can always be concealed," Kai quickly described.

That must've been enough of an explanation. He decided that he would leave. "Good luck," he jeered, turning around and starting to stalk off.

"Wait," she called hesitantly from behind him, making him pause. "Did you me or want me?"

Her voice was so vulnerable and so innocent. Two things he could never be or afford to be. It was something that used to disgust him, though not anymore.

But the desire raged inside of him. Every controlling moment since that kiss, he had wanted her. He still wanted her, so badly. To kiss and touch her again, to make her sigh out his name. To make her smile.

However, all of that was weakness. Weakness that he could not afford, this close to the end of the year. If he fell for her, it would distract him from his mission of conquering Kaiden.

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