Chapter Twenty Four

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The fun had to come to an end eventually. After all, Kaiden was a duke and he had duties. Currently, it was keeping and maintaining the steady political relationships he had. More specifically, which the king.

And if not keeping the indifferent relationship with the king, he hoped to at least keep his head.

He had been reading the letters when he came across another letter from the king, although it was still addressed to Sebastian.

To Sebastian Hunter,

I realize now that I did not specify when you need to return, as you have not come back since I've sent that letter over six weeks ago.

My patience is wearing thin, as the court is attempting to choose a successor. I fear the brutality of politics will soon commence if you are not present.

I give you a week before I send someone to drag you back. And if you try to flee, I know where your half-brother is.

His Majesty, King Maxwell II

Kaiden sighed. Ignoring the king would only work for so long. He let his mind run wild on the threat. The one that involved him. And it wasn't as if he could flee the grounds because of the damn spell he made the witch cast to keep him there.

It was time to go get Sebastian. He folded the letter and carried it with him while he tried to find his brother.

He tried Sebastian's room first. When he wasn't there, he tried the library. And the Great Hall. And the kitchen, garden, ballroom. Kaiden basically ran around the whole castle.

Where in the world was his brother? Maybe he was in the only area he didn't check: the girls hallway. Now, if he was there, what was he doing?

Kaiden moved towards that direction. When he got there, he immediately went to Annabelle's room, because he knew that Sebastian had a fondness for her. It was hard not to.

But as he was outside the room, he heard a giggle and a groan. And then he heard a female voice sigh out Sebastian's name.

His stomach clenched. He found Sebastian alright. But he found him in Annabelle's room while he heard something he wasn't sure he wanted to know.

Kaiden clenched his fist. Damn it, his brother wanted to ruin everything he had. First Genevieve, now Annabelle? He couldn't take it any longer, he opened the door and walked in.

The first thing he saw was Sebastian on top of someone else, kissing her. However, they were both clothed. The only thing he could see about the woman beneath him was that she had brown hair. How dare he touch his Annabelle?

"Sebastian!" Kaiden called sharply, ready to pummel him if he had to.

Both the bodies on the sofa stiffened. Sebastian instantly sat up, revealing the woman he was with.


Kaiden never felt as much relief as he did when he saw Charlotte's reddened face. He released the tension that had gathered in his body. It wasn't Annabelle that Sebastian was kissing. He completely forgot that she shared a room with Charlotte.

"I can explain," Sebastian stammered nervously, quickly glancing at Charlotte, who was now cowering into his back. "It's my fault, you don't have to blame-"

"It's fine," Kaiden said, to stop his ramblings. Sebastian's jaw dropped at that and a confused look came upon his face. Even Charlotte curiously lifted her face away from Sebastian's back.

"What?" Sebastian still looked shocked.

"It's fine," Kaiden repeated. He just wanted to talk to his brother about the letter.

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