Chapter Twenty Eight

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Belle was no longer drugged. Instead, she had shackles and chains that connected her foot the bed. Like a prisoner. There was always someone watching her, mostly Genevieve because Luther was practicing his sword fighting.

And the day had come. She couldn't help but know because Luther was always clamoring about it. Once he mentioned the duel, he would go on to claim that he would win the fight.

And speak of the devil.

Luther strutted into the room and casually dismissed Genevieve, who looked slightly irritated at being her cousin's lap dog. Belle was simply irritated with Luther.

"Today, Anna, you will be mine. It will be my gift to you for the start of the new year. After all, today is the last day of the year," he started, making Belle narrow her eyes. She wasn't ever going to be his.

"Kaiden will beat you," she growled back at him. Now he was glaring at her.

"That won't happen. I have a fail safe if I need it. And, my sweet, if I have to use it, your lover won't survive," Luther snarled at her, making her heart speed up.

"Don't you dare, Luther. Or else I will hate you. I already detest you but if you hurt or kill him, I will hate you for the rest of my life," Belle spat out, worried for Kaiden.

"Then you better hope he doesn't win," Luther said, turning around without listening to her speak again. No, he couldn't leave, not when he was heading off to fight Kaiden.

"Don't leave. Please don't leave. Don't hurt him," Belle choked out, knowing that he wasn't listening.

Belle tried to go after him, maybe to stop him, even though she knew she wouldn't be able to convince him. Also, she was chained to the bed and stuck in the room. As much as she wanted to warn Kaiden to be careful, she couldn't.

Now, if only Anna would listen to her. Whatever happened to her other half must have been traumatizing enough that she retreated within.

The door didn't even shut when Genevieve came back in the room, looking sullen. Perhaps she was more easily persuaded.

"Let me go," Belle pleaded once more. Genevieve looked at her.

"I'm not allowed to," she answered back, stiffly. Her rigid posture made Belle try even harder. It looked like she was making an effort to follow orders, which means she might be weaker to persuasion.

"Why do you answer to him like that? Are you his maid?" Belle asked, knowing well who she was. Genevieve tensed a little.

"No, I'm not his maid," she spat out. "And I only follow his orders because I need the money. I'm temporarily broke."

In the back of her head, Belle was a little stunned. She did everything her cousin asked because of money.

"There's other ways to make an income," Belle tried to reason with her. "You can just say that I knocked you out and ran off."

Genevieve didn't budge. Belle was nearly exasperated. Kaiden was in trouble and she needed to get to him. The sooner, the better.

"Don't resort to collaborating with a murder," Belle insisted, watching Genevieve narrow her eyes.

"What do you mean, murder?" she asked, her voice raising slightly as if she was starting to panic.

"Luther is going to kill Kaiden. I know you had a past with him and surely you can't let him die because you didn't help him. Maybe you didn't love him, but I do, and I can't just sit here when he is in trouble," Belle begged.

It was Genevieve's turn to look stunned. She looked hesitant about everything, especially as she started fingering the keys in her hand. The keys that could unlock the chains and release Belle.

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