Chapter Twenty Nine

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Kaiden held her body to him, not caring that he got blood all over him. He was numb from the pain he felt, as if his heart got ripped out of his chest. There was already blood from where he got hurt and when he had gave her one last kiss.

He had seen so many deaths of his loved ones that he couldn't bare it anymore. First his mother, then his father, and finally Annabelle. And both his father and Annabelle died with a blade in their body.

But this time, he wasn't going to watch the person he loved stay dead.

So many emotions ran through him: grief, fury, denial, pain, determination. At the same time, he felt empty, devoid of joy and happiness.

But the turmoil and tumult inside him had to be placed to the side if he wanted to help Annabelle. He quickly remembered that he had sent Valencia to go find Agatha. If her mission was a success, maybe Agatha could help out.

But first, he needed to consult the magic mirror first. As cursed and disastrous the use of the mirror could be, he was desperate to find a solution.

If the mirror suggested for asking help from Agatha, he would undoubtedly do so. But the trick this time was to word his request carefully. No vague statements like last time, when he had only been shown an eye color.

He was going to find out how to bring her back to life. And soon, before death changed her body.

Before he did anything else, he yanked the wretched dagger out of her body and threw it at a hedge. Remaining blood gushed out of her and stopped.

Kai picked her up, effortlessly and expressionlessly. Both him and Kaiden hurt so much, like there was a physical hole in them. He quickly glanced over and glared at the unconscious viscount. Luther could just suffer the cold snowy weather, especially after what he did.

After ignoring Luther, Kai quickly sprinted to the castle, being careful with her at the same time. He used his speed to hurry through the hallways, until he got to the secret room. The room where Kaiden had told Belle to put away the mirror.

The last time Kaiden held the mirror, he had asked about who he would love. The mirror had answered true when it showed him the green eyes, ones that belonged to Annabelle. It had showed him the woman, but it never answered his question about breaking the curse.

After all, it was the last day of the year. The day before the curse became final. And the only person who could have broken it was now dead. Not that Kaiden cared about breaking it anymore.

All that was important right now was the woman in his arms.

He still held her while he picked up the mirror.

"Please show me a way to bring her back to life, the way she was with the future she would have had if she hadn't sacrificed herself for me," he asked.

The mirror swirled into a few images. First, it showed a picture of Agatha and her mother. Then, it showed a scene where he was kissing Annabelle on the lips. Finally, it showed a picture of a body that was facing down, blonde hair flowing and losing its color.

After the mirror turned back into normal, he thought about what it had shown. It appeared as if Agatha and her mother would help him with Annabelle. But it also looked like one of them would have to suffer some consequences.

Now, then the first thing that needed to happen would be for Agatha and her mother to show up. However, he sent Valencia to only retrieve Agatha, not her and her mother.

Kai set the mirror down and sprinted to a spare bedroom so he could set Annabelle down. He gently laid her on the mattress before quickly rushing to the door. Hopefully Valencia was back with Agatha.

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