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Three of my stories got the first position and I don't know how to thank you guys

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Three of my stories got the first position and I don't know how to thank you guys. Words aren't enough. I wish I could quote the names of all of my followers but that's not possible unfortunately.

I'd have posted new updates if I had completed them but since I haven't yet so here is my way to thank you all by publishing here my most favorite One Shots I wrote till date.

Remember, I wrote them all a while ago and they are unedited. If you find typing errors then kindly ignore.

That's all. So here goes officially my very first OS on wattpad.

All the Raizada family was sitting in the living room busy chatting or to be precise pretending to be oblivious to the fuming and pacing figure in front of them.

They would look at her from time to time trying hard to control their grin that spread every time she would mutter something under her breath and start cursing her husband.

Someone is in huge trouble. They thought snorting.

"Laad Governor! Rakshas! Still at work. I called him to come in the next fifteen minutes and here-" Looking at the clock she pouted with a sheepish look morphing on her face. "Umm-It's...Oh-kay I know five minutes are still left but can't he come early? Humph. Ugh. I m gonna kill him with my bare hands." She gestured through her hands flaring her nostrils.

Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada was cursing and cursing her husband pacing every inch of the living room huffing and puffing.

The reason was simple. Too simple!

She was missing him.


Although it was another thing he left just for two hours which he bargained from her after a lot of pursuing because his presence was genuinely needed at work.

Otherwise, these days he was working from home to take extra care of his wife but.. but it seemed his wife could not get enough of him at all.

So she could only handle one hour. After that she called him and ordered to come back to her right away.

When he politely tried to refuse saying he will be with her in an hour as promised then it turned back on him as she threatened him not so subtly.

"Arnav come home now! I am missing you." She pouted.

"I miss you too baby but try to understand Khushi it's just an hour since I have left. I will be back as soon as I finish this urgent matter. I promise sweetheart."

"NO!" She snapped. "I said come home RIGHT NOW!"

"But Khu..."

"Are you coming or not? Because if you didn't in the next fifteen minutes then I will pack my bags and leave to Laxmi Nagar and you will not be allowed to meet me or my baby. Period." She yelled into the phone causing the family to gape at her.

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