chapter thirteen

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    Emiliana's POV
"emiliana valdez" I hear a low, deep voice behind me.  Feeling a sudden remembrance to the voice, I turn around to meet the piercing gaze of the man I come to hate.

"piero montez" I gasp.  His lips stretch into a small smile and his face lights up.  His grey eyes watches me intently and looked me up and down. He pushes one hand in his suit and takes long strides towards me.

"what are you doing here? " I croaked out and he smirks.

"I knew it was you from the way you walked" he laughs ignoring my question.

Why is he laughing at me?  Did he forget what he did?  He cheated on me!

"what are you doing here? I have a meeting " I ask a little bit angry and that seems to make him stop his charade.

"I'm the general manager of starlight company,  I am representing the company today so the meeting can't start without me" he says confidently and I can't help but snicker at him.

"I work for the CEO of this company and I would like to tell you that he is an impatient man and the meeting will get cancelled without your arrival " I say confidently taking a stride towards him and leaving only a small distance between us.  I stare intently at his grey eyes that used to make my heart do a double flip.  But now,  it held nothing but emptiness.

I spin around and walked away from him trying to keep a stoic face but my heart was beating so fast.  Why did I have to meet him here?  The reason I went to Vegas and met my boss.

I came to the meeting hall and took a deep breath before walking in.  Mr Raphael is tapping his pen furiously on the table while a man tried to calm him down.

Shortly, Piero walks in and walks straight to the podium.

"I'm sorry,  I had something urgent to take care of" he says into the microphone and turns to look at me and everyone also turned around to see who made the general manager of starlight company so busy.

Mr Raphael looks at me and raises his eyebrow.

"corrado Enterprises is a great company and the number one in the New York.  Starlight is just a growing company.  Corrado enterprises to my notice only has hotels,  fashion branches, resorts, clothing lines but the clothing line is not as popular as the rest.  Star light company, fortunately deals with clothes.  Our proposal today is for starlight company to do business with corrado enterprises. Starlight company will purchase corrado's clothing line and sell it as our own.  From each sale,  corrado will have 60% and starlight will have 40%" Piero says expertly.

"how long will the purchasing contract take'' Mr Raphael asks

"a month" Piero answers.

"this is a very good deal for both companies" Mr Raphael says nodding to his members and they nod in agreement.

"all in favor can I see your hand up" Mr Raphael announces and he throws his hand midway in the air and the remaining team follow suit putting their hands up.

"Mr Montez, we have a deal, also, your membership in our company starts today till the transaction is over" Mr Raphael says standing up and offering his hand to Piero which he took gladly.

The meeting is over and I help Mr Raphael pick his files up while he walks out talking to some men.

"do you want to meet later for a drink " Piero asks leaning on the table and crossing his hands on his chest.

"no, thank you" I ignore him holding the pile of books and turning around to face him.

"for old times sake " he shrugs and I let out a low chuckle.

"there are no old times,  apparently you ruined that" I poked him with the pile of files and shoved him out of the way.

"I am ready to fix it" he calls behind me and I turn around to look at him.

What did he think I was? 

"what?" I ask

"I can build it back,  we can know each other again" he says approaching me but I didn't fidget. I stare angrily at him.

"I missed you" he says gazing at me with those grey eyes.

"it's been four years,  you cheated on me!  You can't just fix that! " I say slightly raising my voice.

"what is going on here? " Mr Raphael's voice booms behind us and we both stiffen watching him walk towards us.

"I believe,  Mr Montez, that you would get to work immediately " Mr Raphael says his eyebrow raised and disgust evident in his voice.

"I was just asking emiliana for a friendly date to get to know ourselves better" Piero replies turning to look at me and giving me a small smile which I didn't return.

"it's miss Valdez to you,  and no,  she is way too busy to go on friendly dates" Mr Raphael retorts.

"don't misinterpret this,  it's just a friendly date,  you know that don't you? " he looks at me expectantly but I fiddle with my fingers trying to ignore their gazes at me while I'm in their middle like a little girl.

"come on" Mr Raphael tells me sensing my anger and tugging me lightly towards him, his manly scent wafts into my nose. He then pulls me out of hall leaving Piero standing speechless.

"you should learn to say no when you don't want to do stuffs, like you don't even know that guy " Mr Raphael scolds closing the door.

"I'm sorry " I mutter quietly,  I suddenly feel like crying and any further scolding will the burst the bubble.

"you shouldn't apologize to me," he says walking to me again.

"are you ok?" he asks noticing my uneasiness and the tears forming in my eyes.

I nod because if I said anything then the tears would spill.

"if he tries anything next time,  you can tell me quickly. The transaction is still in an early stage" he says kindly.

Is he willing to cut off such an important business deal because of me?

"can I close early today?" I stutter and he nods and gives me a small smile.

"you can" he assures and I pack my things hurriedly and walk out of the company.

Raphael's POV
I sit back in my chair and wondered what made emiliana so upset.

Was it me?

I doubt

That Piero Montez man, something seems off about him,  it looks like there is something hidden under those eyes,  and why is he suddenly interested in emiliana.

I won't let you get close to her.

"She's mine" I think possessively

I pick up my phone and call a trusted friend and an investigator.

"hi matt" I say into into the phone.

"long time " he says his accent thick in his voice.

"I want you to follow my new PA and a man under the name Piero Montez,  report anything suspicious to me as soon as possible " I finish

"sure,  anything for a friend" he says before ending the call.

Hey guys, sorry for not updating early,  I have been so busy and I hardly have time to pick my phone up.
Anyways I will still update any time I get.
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  What do you think of Piero,  and what does he plan to do

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