chapter thirty four

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Raphael's POV
The meeting ends and i will myself to stand up after listening to the boring talks of the directors. I catch my moms eyes as she gives me a small sheepish smile before walking towards me. She adjusts her big fur coat around her shoulders before she stops right in front of me.

"Mother, can i talk to you later? I'm quite busy" i say in a rush knowing that shes not up to any good.

"Is it bad that I'm checking up on my son? You look as pale as a ghost, you havent even being like yourself lately" she says feigning care and plastering her cold slim hands on my cheek which i shrugged away.

"Hey, dont tell me this is because of that petty assistant that left you?" She says before tightly shutting her lips as if she realized that she shouldnt have.

I turn my face to her, expressionless, there is no way she would have known about that except she had a hand in it.

"What do you mean?" I ask angrily my voice dripping with disgust.

"I mean, i gave her a choice and she picked. I dont think I'm to blame for that" she sneers crossing her arms around her chest.

I inch closer to her and grip her by her shoulders shaking her furiously. People who were still clearing from the conference room look at us with confused expressions.

"What did you do?!" My voice booms startling  her, her face turns white before she speaks.

"She picked money over you, i offered her money and asked her to choose and she choosed money, how is that my fault?" She says in a rush looking me in the eye.

My body goes limp and i suddenly feel weak and tired and i know its not for the fact that i havent slept in days. I couldnt stop thinking about what i did wrong to the point that i overworked myself to exhaustion.

I release mother and she adjusts her fur coat again eyeing me with her side eye.

I stagger backwards trying to wrap my head around what she had just said. Emiliana would never do that. She would never choose money over me. We loved each other, even if she did that, she must have had a reason.

" i hate you" i say spitefully before walking out.

I willed myself to stop thinking about everything until i reach the front of my office and see a familiar back. I suck in a breath as i realize who it was.

I turns immediately and a small gasp escapes her lips.


"Emiliana" i answer inching closer to her.

" in my office, now" i say loudly and see her shudder.

I turn immediately and she trots behind me until we enter the office and she shuts the door behind her.

I could see her clearly now, her hair is dry and her face is pale with her dark eye bags.

" what are you here for?" I ask her leaning on my desk while she stands a hand width apart from me.

She wets her lips before fumbling around with the envelope in her hand.

"I came to give you this, its my resignation letter" she avoids my eyes as she speaks.

I scoff realizing that after all my mother was right.

"Dont need a job now that you lots of money...right?" She looks at me abruptly her eyes wide unsure of what to say.

"Raphael I'm sorry about the way i left, i had no choice" she suddenly sounds weak and faint.

"No, emiliana, you had a choice. You always have a choice. But what did you do, you picked some wads of cash and threw away everything that we had. Did that night never matter to you. All this while I've been beating myself up thinking about what i could have done wrong, i came to see you and you kept avoiding you" my voice cracks and so i stop talking.

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