chapter thirty-five

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Previously: since I know you guys have waited for the longest time.

Ralphael finds out from his mother that she had threatened Emiliana and bribed her with some money. He meets Emiliana outside his office and they have a heated conversation and Emiliana ends up leaving. Frustrated and annoyed, Ralphael resigns and travels to Vegas to unwind.

When Emiliana realizes that she was wrong, she goes to his house to meet him but she doesn’t meet him. She breaks down and promises that she must find him.

This sucked but at least you have an idea🤩, *hands cookies and milk*

      Emiliana's POV
I didn’t make it far before I collapsed, tears falling from my eyes, I wanted to see Ralphael so bad that it hurt. I wanted to tell him that I was wrong that I have missed him so much. Now, I didn’t know where he was or what he was doing.

I finally wipe the tears from my face and call Daniel, if anyone should know where he is, it should be Daniel. He picks at the third ring.

“Umm, sorry for disturbing, by any chance, do you know where Raphael is?" my voice cracks at the end and he immediately seems worried.

“Hey hey hey, its okay, where are you? I’ll come get you” he sounds agitated and after I give him my address, he is here in not more than twenty minutes.

He meets me in my crouched position and squats to meet my gaze. I look at him and his eyes are full of pity. I hate him seeing me like this, completely broken.

“here, let me help you" he offers holding my hand and lifting me up from my crouched position. My leg loses balance and he holds me immediately so I don’t fall.

“jeez how long have you being here" he muses.

“Just for a while” I lie, he knows but he doesn’t say anything.

“I’m sorry for calling you like this, I wasn’t thinking" I say in realization that he might have been busy.

“Nonsense, you can call me at any time, and I’ll be here" he smiles.

“By chance, did Raphael tell you where he was going?” we were walking towards his car now.

“Yes he did, silly" he laughs and a mixture of nervousness and excitement runs through me.

“He’s in Vegas” Daniel says simply turning to look at me and giggles and my confused expression.

“Are you serious" I ask, my face still contorted.

He nods again, leaning on his sleek, black car.

“Well, I don’t know how I can reach him in time. I doubt he will pick his calls, or hell, he must have changed his number" I panic running my hands through my hair.

Daniel’s eyes widens “don’t panic okay. I know he wants to talk to you now, especially now that he quit, he needs you" Daniel pats my hair into place but i cant even keep calm. My eye fills with tears and guilt evades me.

“I didn’t know that, this is all my fault" a tear falls from my eyes but I wipe it quickly.
“Hey, its okay, nothing is your fault" Daniel assures a small smile on his face.

“I need to see him" I quickly say planning my flight.

“I can help. Amanda's friend is travelling and Vegas is her first stop. I know she wont mind some company" Daniel finishes and I cant help the smile that crosses my face. I give him a long, friendly hug and he hugs me back.

“Thank you. You’re the best" I laugh wiping the tears on my face.

“She leaves tomorrow but I’ll ask the time and I’ll let you know"

While Daniel drives me home. He makes a call to someone who I think is Cassidy. The cheery voice on the phone was happy to have me and I breathe a breathe of relief. She tells Daniel that she would be leaving by 12pm.

“Thank you for everything” I say closing the door after Daniel drops me home.

Jasmine is home already watching a Korean drama “its okay to not be okay" which she has being gushing over for the past few days and taking notes for her new book.

She pauses the film on the main character who is shirtless and turns to look at me.

“Hey, how was your meeting?" she asks as i plop down beside her.

“He travelled to Vegas. But I was lucky enough to hitch a ride with one of Daniel’s friend" I tell her and she nods understandingly.

“That’s perfect. I mean, this is like a movie. I just hate that I haven’t met him yet" jasmine pouts

“That’s because you’re never home" I tease and we both laugh.

The rest of the evening passes by in a blur. I join jasmine to watch the movie and we eat popcorn and play music afterwards.

Later in the night, I pack a few things and end up sleeping in jasmine's bed.

Raphael’s POV
I stare at the beautiful view from the bungalow I’m in. Federico is watering the flowers outside the house. He turns to look at me and then gives me a smile.

I Stretch and turn to go back into my room and the first thought that entered my mind was Emiliana, its always Emiliana.

I thought this trip was to relax and get rid of all my emotions but deep down i knew that would never be possible. I run a hand through my hand and hit the rails.

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