1. The unfortunate lie

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Raymond Williams has only ever loved one woman, a woman another man claimed as his.

So does he fight to possess her?
No. His love isn't obsessive. Its patient. Its kind.

Jean Norwood has only ever waited for one man, a man who would be her everything. But when she finds him, he doesn't want her the way she wants him.

So does that stop her from chasing him?
Are you kidding? Of course not. She will lock him away in the castle on the mountain she built for the two of them if need be. She will not let him go. Never.

He is kind, she is cruel.

He is patient, she is not.

He is a human.......she is not.

__________________ _________________


It all started with a phone call one unfortunate morning.

I was happily humming the latest chartbuster as I poked the cup of instant noodles warily with the plastic chopstick that came along with it. To say that cooking isn't my strongest quality would be the understatement of the year. Eva swears that the rats in my house die of starvation. She threatened to call the PETA on me.

Speak of the devil and the devil calls. My phone buzzed to life as did my heart as her face lit up on the screen of my phone.

"Yes, ma'am" I sang nonchalantly.

"Last Friday. 6 p.m. Where were you?" She spat out.

That purposive tone in her voice worked. She had my attention now.

Last Friday? Oh! the date she set me up on......... Sh*t. 

I ditched it of course and Eva obviously found out.

My mind raced. I need a story. Now. It doesn't have to be convincing. She just needs to know of my intention. I'm not giving up on her. Not so soon.

"I was with this beautiful girl I bumped into, on my way to the date you set me up for. She was sooooo beautiful that by the time I looked away it was already midnight" I enjoyed narrating the lie. I'm sure she's fuming mad right now and my sarcasm is totally adding fuel to the fire.

"I'll be there with you this Friday when you bump into that sooooo beautiful girl again" She replied.

God this reminds me of why I'm so hopelessly in love with this woman. She catches on so fast. She knows how to beat you in your own game.

"Noooo. I thought it was a one-time thing" I whined, hoping she would let it slide.

"I told you it was a ten-time thing. You have to meet new people, Ray" She preached.

I don't want to. I don't need new people. I just need her and Dan.

"I'm meeting new people everyday" I said.

"Sure. Friday. I'll be there. I'll personally escort you" She was adamant.

"Will you sit through the date with me?" I asked.

"I'll be watching. So, don't for a second think of repeating your stupid tricks" She threatened

"But I really did meet this awesome girl-" I started, deciding to continue with my story. If not anything, I could derive some pleasure out of frustrating her to death. No. Not death. Cancel that.

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