17. Norwood V/S Norwood

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"How could he" I growled flinging the statue at the corner at the diagonal end of the hall "How could he treat me like that?" Dad's antique thirty-two seater dining table with golden heels went next "He doesn't feel anything" I yelled moving towards the piano. Even its existence was mocking me "Nothing" I flung it across the hall "He has my essence. He has to feel something right?" I looked around me. There were no more furniture left so I picked up a stone vase, uprooted the tree it held and hurled the stone at the chandelier hanging above. "She's a wolf not a witch. Why is he so wrapped around her fingers?" The chandelier rattled before collapsing under its own weight. It went down with a bang drowning us in darkness. Pieces of glass collided with my skin leaving quick healing wounds behind.

"You shouldn't have done that" Dad's calm voice swam through the darkness "Now you wouldn't be able to clearly see what to break next"

"I like this" I breathed slumping against the wall next to me; my eyes closed "This is what my inside feels right now" Blind. I feel blind. The kind of blind he is in her love.

"I warned you" dad sighed "Humans are stupid"

"I should listen to you and kill her"

Dad cleared his throat "I don't know if that's such a good idea now. I'll kind of lose a few billions in wiping that entire pack. You know how I feel about losing money"

I scoffed "Of course she wouldn't go down alone"

"For once, I don't even think it's the wolf's fault" Dad opined "That human is plain dumb just like that woman was"

"That woman was your wife dad" I sighed tiredly. It felt good. Letting out my anger on objects rather than living beings, it's safe.

"She was dumb the day I met her" He took a drag from his pipe letting out the grey smoke into the darkness "She was dumb the day I killed her" He tsked "Dumb species"

"I want him" I insisted.

"You wanted that pet snake too. Remember how it almost choked you in your sleep"

"I want him" I repeated.

"I'll send Spence to grab him tomorrow. You failed to persuade him so we are going to do it my way now. We will turn him before you do anything else. I hate dealing with humans" I heard him moving around and opened my eyes.

"Where are you going" I frowned "I'm not done thrash talking"

"Drink" He hissed colliding with a broken furniture "I need a drink to deal with this mess" He kept muttering 'stupid humans' every time he collided with a part of the wreck I caused.

"Me too" I pushed away from the wall and trotted after him.


"Dad did what?" I screeched at Luke

The last date was two days ago. I was upset that night. I do sound a lot like my dad when I am upset but I had the decency of coming to my senses the next day around. I let Ray come to terms with the situation. But my father apparently buried his common sense the day he buried my mother.

"He drove the poor bloke into hiding" Luke informed "I knew I had to tell you. He has gone too far this time. He made a show out of firing him from his job. He threatened to kill him in his own house. His sister was visiting and she called the police on Derek. When the police turned on them instead, I guess he got scared and went off"

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