14. Lock you away

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"You did what?" Evan yelled almost rising from the couch to emphasize how flabbergasted he was.

"It was a mistake" I scratched the back of my head in frustration "I was dead tired. I didn't sleep well all week thinking about what I was going to say to her and things like that. And then once the load was off my chest, I just fell asleep"

Evan closed his eyes "Dude you have no Idea what you did. Goddess! Eva's going to kill me" He opened his eyes and looked at me with determination "Never. I repeat. Never let your guard down when you are with her"

I chucked at his dramatics "Why are you so afraid of her? She's a little weird but really, that's it. She's a nice person"

"You think everyone other than Liam is a nice person in this world when it's actually the opposite" he said "So, pardon me for assuming that you are not a good judge of character. Leave that to me if you don't want to die okay?"

"I don't think Derek Norwood is that good either" I replied "He threatened Dan and is selling his daughter or rather trying to buy me for some strange reason"

"The Norwoods are bad news" Evan shook his head "Trust me on that. Now what are you going to about it?"

"I don't think I can do it" I replied "I look like a f*cking panda" I pointed at the circles of darkness surrounding my eyes "All I can think about is her"

"Sh*t dude. You sound like you are in love"

"It's called compassion" I took a moment to glare at him "She's a nice woman, a little crazy, but nice. I'm sure she'll find someone who loves her for who she is but that someone isn't going to be me. She deserves more than being someone's rebound"

"You need to move on" Evan sighed "I don't know how much of our world you can understand but there is no turning back for Eva"

"How's she doing?" I asked. I haven't been talking to her after Dan's birthday. I know it's immature of me but this is the only way I can adjust to our new equation. I need time, a lot of it.

"Good I guess" he replied "It's an important season for us wolves. She's doing her duty towards her pack. She's our Luna after all"

"What's that?"

"The Alpha's mate" he said "She's the soft power that binds the pack together. Like my mom was to my dad"

"But they aren't together"

He looked at me with something akin to pity "They will be, by the end of this month. It's a month of blessing and love"

I ignored the pang in my heart "You seem to support your brother a lot for someone who rebels against him at every given opportunity"

"He did wrong" Evan shook his head "He disregarded the most valuable gift that the moon gives us. He wronged his pack in the process. He's the Alpha. There aren't many ways to punish an Alpha without outrightly challenging him. We need to make a lesson out of him. We need the pack to understand that it is wrong to disregard a mate bond. If the Alpha gets away with it, others will follow him and the pack will be in chaos"

"So it's just that?" I raised a brow "A lesson for your people?"

He smiled "Nah, it's also his punishment for hurting my best-friend but we are making it grander for the world to see and learn from his mistakes. I still love his grumpy as$ as much as I did the day I was born. He's a good man. A lot better than me. I just wish he hadn't brought this misfortune upon himself"

"Does.....does she love him?" I had to know. It's been bugging me for a while.

"She will" he replied "She doesn't know him enough to love him yet but she respects him"

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