10. The Plan

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"What are you doing here Mr. Norwood?" I glared at the man sitting on my couch across me.

A rational part of me was kicking me in the gut for talking to him in that tone. He was Derek F*cking Norwood. He doesn't even have to lift a finger to destroy me. Tales of his deeds travel silently across the business world. There are even rumors that he killed his own wife. Although that's absurd and is most probably the brainchild of someone who watches lots of stupid crime shows.

"A meeting between us has been long overdue Raymond" The man tossed one of his legs over the other and leaned against my couch like he owned it.

"You broke into my house Mr. Norwood" I gritted my jaws together at his nonchalance "I don't see why I shouldn't call the cops right now"

He shrugged "Maybe because you're smart enough to know that nothing will come out of it?" he mocked me.

"Right" I nodded "So how can I help you Mr. Norwood? In other words what do I have to do for you to leave me alone?"

"I'm here to make a deal that will be very profitable to you, Ray. And once again, you can call me Derek" he said

"I'm still regretting the last deal I made" I told him pointedly "And I'll have to be honest with you, it was your daughter. So no, I'm not up for another deal"

"You regret it because even though I taught her every trick I know, my daughter doesn't always make the best deals"

"Have you ever wondered whether that's because she doesn't want to do it your way?" I gritted out with a sarcastic smile.

"My way includes less drama and more practical solution" He smiled sharply.

"Let's hear it out" I smiled sarcastically.

"Your end of the deal will be to cut short the chase and I'll make sure you live a long healthy life full of comforts" he said

"I'm doing that right now Derek. I'm living a healthy life full of comforts" I bit back

"You'll practically own Westside Group" he smirked, ignoring my words.

"You are selling your daughter" I gritted my jaws in anger.

"No. I'm buying you" he replied

"Well then I'm not on sale"

We were at this point glaring violently at each other.

"You'll have to cave in eventually" he said confidently.

"You don't know me" I told him

"I don't need to. I know me" he replied and stood up.

I said nothing as I watched him leave. I could only internally sigh that things didn't go to the extreme.

"Oh! By the way" He halted at the door and turned to me with a smirk "Daniel Wood is an adorable child, isn't he?" he said pointing at Dan's picture on a wall.

I froze.

"Have a good day, Ray" he mock saluted and disappeared into the dark night.

Did he just threaten me? Should I call the cops? But are cops allowed in Bluewood? He can't do anything to Dan, can he? Aren't werewolves like supposed to be stronger? Liam wouldn't let him harm Dan.


I pulled my phone out and decided to consult the only other wolf beside Eva whose number I actually took the trouble of saving in my phone log. Evan.

"Yo! Human" Came his first words.

"Hello to you too, you dirty smelly animal" I replied.

"Hey! I wash my furs with the finest products in the country okay" he defended

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