9. Out of Control

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It's Saturday. I'm on my way to meet Jean. I can't afford her interference in my work or personal life. So I made a routine that will help me and her complete the debt of the ten dates.

A lot has happened in the past week. Up until an hour ago it was contesting to be in my top ten list of s*itty weeks. Now, well I don't know. I'm confused.

I took Tuesday and Wednesday off for Dan's fourth birthday. Dan was the only reason I tolerated those people. I felt suffocated. There were wolves all around. Even the tailor we went to for Dan's suit was a wolf. It would have been comical if not for the warning bells in my head. I was in a town full of animals doing human things.

I now know how Alice felt. We can be best buddies now. *Fist bumps with Alice*

No matter how much I try to take things lightly, it wasn't easy to accept the fact that Eva and Dan now have other people in their lives. They don't need me anymore. I guess this was the reality check that I was avoiding. There are a dozen of people ready to take my responsibilities. I felt empty from within.

Eva asked me about Jean. I got elated when she asked me to be careful of Jean. I thought she cared. Maybe she was jealous? But no, when I got close to her, I saw fear in them. She was afraid of my touch. In her head, she belonged to that man even if they weren't together. What kind of bullsh*t is that? It took every bit of my resistance to not walk out of there. I had to remind myself that I was there for Dan.

And the man himself, her mate was it? The Alpha. Yeah that's what they kept on calling him. I want to rip him out of their life. I want to make his life miserable. But I couldn't do that not when I was buzy watching all the people around him doing all that I wanted to do to him. He was miserable as it was. There was no ways I could add to that.

But despite all that, despite all the hatred that his people were spewing, there was one thing that never changed. She belonged to him. The people knew it, she knew it and most of all, he knew it. No matter how far she is from him, she will always be his. I saw it in his posture, the confidence that came with the assurance that at the end of it all, she was his.

The woman I spent a decade loving, belonged to him and he didn't even have to work for it. Six months ago, he didn't even know what her smile looked like and now, all her happiness and sadness belonged to him. What kind of a world is that?

And he told her just that. At the end of the party, he told her that he was not going to back out anymore. After all these years, he suddenly wants her.

I couldn't stand it anymore, I left in the middle of the night like the coward that I was. Eva kept calling me the following days but I ignored her. From the moment I saw her, I never imagined a future without her and now that the future was crumbling around me I don't know what I can do to stop it.

I thought it was the end of it all but then a couple of hours ago Eva showed up at my door. She would have broken my door had I not opened it to let her in. We argued for the first time in years. She said she was trying to move on with him and I should do the same. That angered me. How was it so easy for her? In the heat of the moment, I told her about meeting Jean. It was pathetic I know but I still hoped to see that one look of jealousy from her. And strangely, she didn't disappoint me. Her tone changed as soon as I talked about Jean. Is there still hope for me?

She grabbed my phone when she thought I wasn't paying attention. I had my doubts so I followed her and my heart soared at what I saw. She was sitting at a coffee shop with Jean. Both of them looked ready to pounce on the other. I feel horrible for using Jean like this but I couldn't help but feel happy.

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