(12) They're gone

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Sam's POV

After I gave Macy control of my body I went back into my coma like state. Macy says that is ok and I have nothing to worry about. I heard the moon goddess' promise that she would let me live if I was to die, but I don't want to be a special case. I've been so close to death too many times.

I still feel my mates hands holding mine and I hear people chatting. I also feel a little body hugging my waist, but I have no idea who it is. I can hear my family voices and my heart beats faster. What is my father is here? What if my uncle escaped.

During the witch control, I have no Idea what she said. It's a complete blur. She was powerful enough to make it to where I couldn't see or hear anything.

I start to feel my fingers and I move them one at a time. "Sam," Kole says. "I want to see your eyes."

I groan. I didn't know it was going to take this much energy to open my eyes. I try and talk but my throat hurts too much. "Princess," Blake says. I have missed Blake so much. It hurt. Kole rescued me, but I was expecting Blake by his side. But I heard them talking about him having to stay back to look over the pack.

I feel someone cup my check in their hand. "I need to see you," he continues. "You have no idea how badly I've missed you. I need to see you."

"Is sissy waking up," a cute little girls voice asks. I immediately know that is is my best friend Avery. I remember the first time we met.


"Hi, I'm Samantha." I greet.

"Hi, I'm Michelle and this is my husband Paul. This is our daughter Avery."

"Hi," she greets shyly.

I bend down to her level as much as my body protests. I hold out my hand, "it's nice to meet you."

She takes my hand and shakes it. She seems so memorized by someone shaking hands. She continues to shake me hand I just smile at her. She looks up to my eyes and giggles. Everyone chuckles. "Are you my sissy?"

"Yes," Kole and Blake answer before I can answer. I honestly didn't know how to answer that question. "Avery, she is our mate, our princess."

She gasps. "Are you a real princess??"

"Yes she is," Blake answers.

"I never met a princess before!!" She turns to her parents, "mama! I met a princess!!" She turns back to me and hugs me.

We all laugh at her excitement. "You pretty."

"Thank you, so are you. You can be a princess too."

She gasps again, "I can be a princess??!"

"Of course! I'm sure your already a secret princess."

"A secret princess? Are you a secret princess?"

"Maybe," I reply. "I can't tell you, that will ruin the secret."

She laughs.

Flashback over

She's so adorable. I can see some similarities of the boys in her. The Are head over heels for her. It's adorable. She has them wrapped around her finger without her knowing. "Come on Sammy." Ryan is the only who calls me that.

I try to open my eyes again and it works. The light is bright and I groan. I close my eyes quickly. "Somebody turn the light off."

"Ok, open your eyes," Blake says. I do and it takes a few seconds for my eyes to adjust. "Hey baby." I look over to Blake is had the biggest smile on his face. I look over to Kole who also has a face.

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