Chapter Thirty

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When James and Neil arrived, they both ended up flopped on the sofa. I was in my room, but I heard the sound of their hitting the cushions. There was a moment of silence, and then Neil was calling for me. When I entered the living room, he smiled a wide, Cheshire smile, and held out his arms. "Come here."

I went to him, sat beside him. He patted his lap. "No, here."

"Because that's going to happen," I deadpanned. He didn't argue, and James had his eyes closed, head thrown back in exhaustion.

"What have you two been doing all day?"

Neil groaned, and flung an arm over his face. "Lilian worked us like dogs today. All of us, even Maggie. We did active shoots. Hours of running across the set, back and forth... I don't know what crawled up her-"

"I may have had something to do with that. She called me in to tell me they found the tiara, in the Wardrobe, and she openly blamed me. I pretty much told her off, and left. I guess we'll see what happens..."

Neil uncovered his face, and James opened his eyes. Neil's grin overshadowed James' though, and his eyes brightened. "You told her off? Lilian? That's a girl, I've been wanting to forever." He smoothed a finger over my cheek, and smiled.

I got them something to drink, and had sat between them when there was a knock on the door. I knew they weren't moving, so I got up to answer it. The door swung open to reveal Macyn, standing there smiling and happy as if she'd been invited. I considered, for half a second, slamming the door in her face. But James spotted her, and was on his feet in a moment.

"Mace? What are you doing here? How did you get here?"

"I took a cab. I thought I'd come to see your new place, and..." she looked down, "to apologize. I'm so sorry I've been so cruel. I just wanted to get out too, you know? And you guys banded together... but I know it's no excuse. I do."

"Get in here already." James pulled her in, but she hesitated.

"I um, I brought someone with me. A friend of mine. Can he come in too?"

James agreed. Macyn stepped to the side, beckoning someone to step into sight. A man James' age appeared, and stepped through the doorway. He flashed a grin that rivaled Neil's, and his brown eyes landed on me. He took my hand and lifted it to his lips, kissing the back, all before I could snatch it away.

"It's more than a pleasure to meet you, finally, Christelle. Your name is almost as beautiful as you are; I couldn't wait to meet you when Macyn first mentioned you."

I slid my hand from his, and backed straight into Neil, who moved up beside me and slipped an arm over my shoulders. He said nothing, and he and the man looked each other over. My eyes went to Macyn, who still smiled, though her eyes didn't. I didn't know what she was plotting, but I knew she was up to something. Again.

The accuracy with which I was beginning to be able to foresee her schemes was amazing, and I knew it was time to tell James and Neil what was happening. Who knew what lengths she would go to next?

I opened my mouth to ask if I could talk to them alone, but Macyn spoke first. "So can we come in? I brought enough food for everyone."

Dread settled in the pit of my stomach as James nodded and they walked into our home. Neil hadn't removed his arm from me, and without thinking I'd pressed into him. He squeezed my shoulders once before following them into the kitchen, but I stayed put, feeling lightheaded. We'd just let the devil into our home, and no one seemed to care. An apology was all it had taken for her to get back into their good graces.

I knew better.

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