Chapter Thirty-One

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The sound of clinking silverware filled the kitchen, and not much else, as we ate. Macyn had made spaghetti and jumbo meatballs, mom's recipe, tiramisu for dessert, and come right over, so it was still warm. The meal reminded me so much of home my eyes got misty when I took my first bite, but I squashed my emotions down, along with the anger I felt towards Mace, for the meal. Mom's food could do that; bring enemies together. I missed her and my younger siblings so much it hurt. My dad had made it onto the pile with Macyn after he punched Neil. I hoped I never saw him again.

I wound more pasta onto my fork, around and around, and thought about the strange, irregular orbit my life was caught in. One moment things alright, the next a giant rock hitting into me, so I go spinning out of control, until gravity pulled me back in. At that moment I felt like I was in the process of being pulled back into the orbit, but something told me I was going to hit another rock soon.

Neil's hand brushed my arm under the table, and I looked at him. His eyebrows were drawn together, corners of his mouth turned down. He leaned over to my ear. "Are you okay?" He whispered; his breath warming the side of my face. I nodded, and he entwined out fingers together out of sight, gave my hand a squeeze.

I was lucky to have Neil, even if everything else in my life was going wrong. I had no job, my family had abandoned me, I had a wicked sister out for blood... but Neil was there. When things got rough I could call him, or he'd show up unannounced, always knowing how to cheer me up. It scared me, how attached to him I was becoming. I wanted to believe we'd be together forever; it didn't seem like he was in any hurry to leave me. Yet part of me, a big part, always felt like I wasn't good enough for him, and I feared the day he'd realize it and take off.

It wasn't even about my weight anymore; I had lost almost fifty pounds in a few months, with my diet and Neil's vigorous exercise routine. I was still bigger than I wanted to be, but my face was becoming more defined, my whole body toning. My physical body felt better than ever before, but it was the inside I had to work on. I was an emotional wreck. Everything I'd gone through, everything that continued to happen, it was building up inside of me. I needed to tell James about Macyn's threat before I ended up in jail for something I didn't do, or worse.

"Man, this reminds me of home. Thanks, Mace."

Macyn smiled at James, ever one to be polite around company. "You're welcome. I thought you'd miss a little home cooking; Chris never was much of a cook."

My lips pressed together, and I continued to twirl my fork in my pasta. How dare she criticize me for anything, the-

"Chris is a great cook, actually. She's been trying a lot of new recipes, and they all come out great. Neil can attest to that, right Neil?"

"It's delicious. She feeds us well; I feel like I live here too."

Neil's affirmation had my shoulders lowering, my lips separating. I looked up at Macyn. "So, what've you been up to lately? You know, when you're not at work. Just hanging at home?"

A flicker of a scowl crossed her face, before she grinned. "No, I've actually gotten more social. Now that I have some money, I go shopping, and hang out with Ben."

Ben, the friend she'd brought along, winked at me. "She's told me a lot about you, too."

I didn't like him. He'd been flirting with me from the start, despite Neil's sticking closer to me than glue. He made me nervous. Neil didn't look worried, but as we were at the table, he didn't need to be at that moment.

After dessert, James and Macyn talked, but I traveled back to the living room. I sat on the loveseat, and put my feet up on the opposite cushion to discourage Ben from filling the seat, as Neil had gone to the bathroom. He still approached. "This seat taken?"

"Yes. Neil sits here."

His teeth were a bright contrast to his dark skin as he grinned. I figured he was a model as well. "Come on, baby, I just want to sit down."

"Than why don't you sit by Macyn? I'm sitting with my boyfriend."

"Yeah, I figured that. You only go for white guys?"

The absurdity of his question had me glaring at him. He shrugged. "You're too chunky for me anyway. Macyn said you'd be easy-"

"Macyn said what?"

We both turned as James walked into the room. Ben shrugged again. "Macyn told me her little sister was easy. She ain't."

James looked confused when he turned to Macyn, who had come up behind him. "You said that to him? Why would you do that?"

She took some time to decide whether she'd maintain her smile and false happiness, before she gave up. "Yeah. I don't know, it was a joke-"

"A joke?" Neil entered. "Where in the world do people tell friends their siblings are easy and it's a joke?" He came to stand by me, faced Ben. "She's with me. Leave her alone, or get out."

Ben smirked. "I think if the chubby bunny wants to go a few rounds with me, you should let her. You know you cou-"

When Neil's fist connected with his jaw, I heard the snap of his teeth colliding each other. I grabbed Neil's arm to hold him back from doing more damage. "Stop!"

James helped Ben up, and pushed him towards the door. He looked right at Macyn, and I watched the respect he had for her float out of his eyes. "Get out, both of you. Don't come back."

Macyn grabbed her tote bag filled with empty containers, and walked past without a care in the world. James shut the door behind them. I wrapped my arms around myself, and Neil pulled me to him. He was trying to reassure me, but all I felt was a cold embrace.

"What he said-"

"Doesn't matter. I should have told you guys about Macyn from the start. There are some things you need to know; this isn't over."

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