Chapter 34: Trickster

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The trees whipped past us as Zander pressed the gas pedal, going way over the 55 speed limit. I glanced at the speedometer, watching as the needle passed 101.

As much as I wanted to nag at Zander that he was driving too fast, I couldn't help but want him to drive even faster.

My daughter was probably scared and alone! Sure she was superhuman but she was still my little girl and I can't imagine her being hurt.

I shuddered thinking about the night she turned. The way her bones broke and twisted. I shuddered again.

Zander clutched the steering wheel and I eyed him. The way his muscles rippled under his shirt made me feel things I haven't in a long time. I always try not to think about my late husband but I still can't help but feel as if I'm cheating on him but of course I knew it was crazy to think that because he was de-...gone.

Zander made me feel beautiful, he made me feel more alive. He made me...feel. The way he would look at me when he didn't think I wouldn't notice or the way he said my name as if it was the most precious thing in the world.

It was crazy to say and to even think, not to mention I've only known him for just a few days, I just knew I was in love with him.

Zander and the four cars, that were following us, stopped towards the edge of the road before they went off road and straight into the Forrest. When we were deep enough, Zander parked and used some leaves and branches to camouflage the car. Nathan and the others doing the same to their cars. They then took out aerosol cans and sprayed themselves from head to toe. It didn't take a genius to guess that they were masking their scent.

As much as Zander wanted to leave me behind, I couldn't do it. I couldn't stay behind while my child was kidnapped by a psycho guy who has already killed her in a past life.

Past life. I still couldn't wrap my mind around that fact. I don't like to think about it.

I clutched the gun in my hand, liking the weight I felt. I'm glad I got the gun, having it around made me feel a lot safer.

Zander took my hand, leading me through the overgrown trees and vegetation that surrounded the forrest. "Helen, I know your daughter is in there and I know you think you have to do anything to protect her and will do anything and I admire that but if I ask you to run, please run."

I stopped walking and waited as soon as everyone was out of earshot but of course it wouldn't have mattered because they all have superhuman hearing. Once they were cleared, I frowned at him. "You can't ask me to do that. You don't understand the heartache I feel thinking my own child is in danger. I'm her mother. I'm supposed to make sure she's protected and when I saw all that blood I-" I choked on a sob with tears streaming down my face.

Zander crashed to me his chest and I accepted it, wanting to feel his warmth.

"Listen, I know that we've only known each other for a few days and things work differently in the human world than they do in ours, but I just wanted to tell you that I love you and since I love you, I love anything that has to do with you. Ariana might not be my daughter but I still consider her one and I will give up my life to save you and her."

My heart swelled in my chest hearing him say that. Then I did something that caught him and me by surprise. I kissed him.

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