Epilogue: In This Life And Maybe The Next

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My head turned away from the bright light of my phone. In six minutes I was turning 22. Is it possible to feel yourself getting older?

I was only in my twenties but I couldn't help but miss being in my teens. Well, late teens anyways.

I found my love and myself. Wow, I didn't know I was cheesy.

I laughed to myself feeling stupid in the dark.

Four years ago, everything changed. Not in a bad way but in the best way. My heart was content and I wouldn't want to change it in anyway.

A few days after Rodricks death, I turned 18 and it confirmed what Alex and I already knew. For some reason though, Alex seemed to open up to me. Maybe he felt the undeniable connection between us and he knew how I felt about him, he knew I loved him with all my heart.

A year after that, I graduated from High School. Which I still find shocking considering how many days I had missed but I guess being the Mayors "daughter-in-law" had it's perks.

My mother surprised me at the graduation party by showing me the ring on her finger. I swear we squealed like a couple of pigs for almost 10 minutes.

A few months later and I watched my beautiful mother walk down the aisle. I watched as Zander's jaw literally dropped to the floor as he looked at my mother. I also watched the way Alex was looking at me, a great big smile on his face, his eyes twinkling at me.

I've never cried as much as I did watching my mother being happy. I knew Zander was technically my father now but I was still sad that my real dad wasn't here anymore.

Another year passed and Alex was on his knee showing me a ring that almost blinded me. Of course I said yes.

We were married within 6 months. And a few months after the wedding, I was welcoming my first child into the world. A baby girl.

My little Ava, who was sleeping soundly in her crib.

I can't believe my life has changed so much within a few years and I wouldn't change them for anything.

I glanced at the empty bed side next to me and my heart hurt, missing my husband.

Although this pack had Anthony and his Mate, Alex's duties couldn't be avoided and I knew that but I wish he would come home already.

I picked up my phone and watched slowly as the time changed to 12:00.

Happy Birthday Ariana. I said to myself.

Just as my eyes closed, I heard something thud downstairs. My super werewolf hearing picked up footsteps. I listened around the house to find everybody sound asleep. Nathan and Jen seemed to be consoling their year old son back to sleep but other than that, it was quiet.

I decided to investigate.

After checking on Ava, I grabbed my black silk robe and made my way downstairs.

I sniffed the air and I instantly relaxed, smiling. Rounding the corner into the kitchen, I found Alex, stifling through some drawers looking for something. A small chocolate cake that said Happy 22nd Birthday, was perched up onto the counter.

Alex was too busy muttering under his breath to notice me. I cleared my throat and I swear he jumped 10 feet into the air.

I mockingly tapped my foot and crossed my arms.

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