Chapter 35: Trigger Fingers

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"Okay, one more time, when the door opens, I stand behind it as you stand in front. When the guards or Roderick are distracted, I jump them from behind. Then we either have Roderick or we find him and take him hostage." I nervously chuckled. "Sounds easy."

Alex grunted in response when he failed with the lock again.

"Don't be nervous. You'll do wonderful. Now all I have to do is open this stupid door an-" We both heard a click.

The door opened with a creak and I swear I almost shouted in happiness.

Another howl sounded through the air and Alex practically squealed. "Yes! The wolfsbane in my system is almost gone! I'm getting some parts of what my dad is saying. He said that re-enforcements are here and it looks like they're winning!"

I smiled in relief. We both heard a couple of footsteps headed our way. I quickly stood against the wall and waited for the door to open but nothing happened.

That's when we heard another howl rip through the air. Alex frowned and it looked like he was focusing on something.

Then I heard it. A gunshot so loud and clear, it was as if it were right next to me.

I wrenched open the door and blindly ran towards the sound, Alex following me.

We opened another door that led us outside right into the heart of the fight.

More than fifty werewolves fought on the field. I've never seen so many wolves before.

I followed the smell of blood into a building that was close to our own. The scent became strong and I almost fell to the ground. My moms scent was pouring out of that building.

Alex must have noticed too because he looked at me with a concerned frown. His eyes already filled with pity.

My speed increased and I basically crashed through the door, tearing it off the hinge.

The scene in front of me will forever haunt my dreams.

I watched as my mother lay on the floor, gasping for breath as an emotional Zander pressed his shirt into her stomach.

"MOM!" I ran towards her and fell to my knees, clutching her hand. Thick, red liquid gushed out of her wound making tears fall out of my eyes.

"M-Mom." I blubbered.

I looked at Zander who seemed shocked. "How?" I asked, not able to say anything else.

"I don't-Roderick-I ran in front of the gun but it went right through me-I-it went right through me and then she fell-she fell to the floor and I don't-theres so much blood." He continued to concentrate on her wound, his face twisting into agony.

Pure, white hot rage settled into my veins and there was no way to quench it without Rodricks blood on my hands. I wanted his blood. I needed his blood.

"Roderick." I said calmly yet threateningly before stroking my mothers cheek. She wanted to say something but couldn't get it out.

Zander shushed her before slowly lifting her into his arms. "I-" he never finished what he was going to say. He ran out the door and I knew she would be taken care of.

I shook in my spot as I felt my teeth and claws grow. Alex watched me with concern but didn't say anything again but I knew I had his full support.

My body demanded to shift but I refused. Never have I felt so in control. I stalked towards the door , grabbing the gun I found on the floor. Alex stayed close behind me.

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