Clingy part 2

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You opened your door and Harry stood there looking at you with wide eyes.

"What the hell?" you say out loud this time.

 "Shouldn't you be in Australia right now?"

He waved his hand ignoring it, inviting himself into your apartment. 

"Nevermind that."

"Well you have to be in New Zealand in two days Harry-"

"It's fine Y/N," he said, interrupting you. 

"I'm flying out tomorrow in time for the show. But right now can we not talk about my flights or my shows?"

You took in the sight of Harry and noticed how distressed he looked. His arms hung by his sides, his eyes looked tired, and he just looks drained. 

And you know why he's here. You just wished you had some sort of warning to prepare yourself.

"Okay well... Let's talk about why you're here then," you said, crossing your arms.

He scoffed in frustration with himself.

"Y/N, I've been gone nearly two weeks. And throughout those entire two weeks I feel like you have barely said a word to me."

"We've been busy Harry," you shrugged.

"Yeah but no matter how busy we get when we're apart we always find a way to talk to each other. Whether it be for five minutes or an hour or falling asleep on the phone we've always managed to find a way. What happened now?"

You stared at him feeling upset with yourself. You put him through this but you just couldn't risk being clingy to him again.

"I just didn't want to be clingy," you mumbled.

"What?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I don't want you to think I'm clingy Harry," you said louder. 

"I want to give you your space and let you have some peace of mind without me always asking for your attention. I don't want to annoy you with how much I talk or how touchy I can be but it's hard when your boyfriend travels for months when you only get him for a couple of weeks," you admit.

"Love, really? Is this really how you've been feeling? You didn't want to be clingy? Why didn't you just tell me this in the first place?" He asked.

He stepped closer towards you and attempted to unfold your arms that were crossed in front of your chest.

 But you didn't budge and instead walked passed him, slightly brushing his shoulder with yours.

You turned back around towards him when you heard him sigh. He dropped his arms down and he tilted his head at you.

"More like why didn't you just tell me in the first place?" You asked.

"What are you talking about Y/N?"

"Give me your phone," you said, extending your hand out to him.


You extended your hand further to him, in a sense of saying "Harry just give me your phone."

He grabbed his phone out of his back pocket and put it in your hands. 

He watched you intently as you put in his password, curious as to what was on his phone that was relevant to this conversation.

You went to his messages and looked for the conversation with Jeff that sparked this whole thing.

You went straight to the beginning of the conversation when Harry asked if they could catch earlier flights, then you gave his phone back to him.

He looked at you nervously before looking down at his phone to see what you did.

He was confused at first about why you pulled up the text messages between him and Jeff. But it started to make more sense as he read it and recalled having this conversation with him.

He didn't mean for you to see these texts just as much as you didn't mean to read them.

He closed his eyes in realization and pursed his lips together.

"Exactly," you said, as if his reaction and silence was enough justification for you to know what he did.

You turned away from him and started to walk back towards the couch but you suddenly felt his grip on your arm. 

Then within seconds you found your face against his chest and his arms wrapped around your body.

"I didn't mean to read it Harry, I just- When I went to text Jeff that you were in the shower I scrolled down to hide the keyboard and it just landed on that conversation and I-"

"Love, why are you apologizing? I'm the one in the wrong here," he said, stroking your hair and planting his lips on your forehead.

"After reading that I just wanted to give you space. And I'm kind of glad that I read it because if I hadn't known that you felt that way then you probably would've done or said something that you regret," you said, referring back to his texts.

"The only things I regret is one, having that whole conversation in the first place. And two, going to Jeff about my problems rather than you. And you're right. I should've told you in the first place."

He kept you in his embrace and being in his arms after almost two weeks felt like you haven't been in his arms for two years. 

You felt a wave of relief wash over you as if a weight was lifted off of your shoulders.

"And don't ever give me space ever again. Because after this I've realized that I fucking hate it," he said.

The two of you laughed and finally pulled apart from each other.

"Well..." You said slowly,

 "were you planning on going back to your place or did you have somewhere else to stay for the night?"

"Oh that's right. My flight's not until tomorrow night and I don't really feel like going all the way back to my place. Wow, where in the world am I going to stay?" He said jokingly.

"I have a pretty comfortable couch," you joked back. 

"But my bed is also a queen size so I guess I could-"

"Oh how nice of you to offer me your bed while you take the couch for the night!"

You playfully slapped Harry on his chest and he placed his hands on your hips, pulling you closer to him.

"But in all seriousness, if you have some space on that queen-sized bed of yours that would be more than enough for the night," he said before placing a kiss on the tip of your nose.

"I'll see what I can do," you said with a smirk.

By the end of the night, you found yourself cuddling a sleeping Harry. He laid his head in the crook of your neck and laid an arm and a leg over your body. 

His breathing slightly tickled your neck but you didn't mind it at all. It was inevitable for you guys to have little arguments here and there.

 But the making up afterwards was worth it if it meant having moments like this with him.

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