A baby with Harry

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Harry would be so protective of you when you’re pregnant, because he wants to be there for you, even for the little things.

He would get up with you at 3am to make you food for your cravings, he would help you get up from the sofa when your belly is starting to get big.

He would rub your belly, kiss it and sing to your baby in a soft voice. And he would also talk sweet nothings

“I love you so much already, and I haven’t even met you yet”.

And when the baby starts to kick for the first time, he’d have his hand on your belly, your own on top of his.

Harry’s eyes sparkle and tear up a bit and he’d have the biggest smile on his face.

He would be there for you the whole long and frustrating labor, holding your hand, praising you

“You’re doing so well baby, I’m so proud of you”,

kissing your sweaty forehead. After the labor, when you have fallen asleep, he’d have her in his big arms. Rocking gently from side to side, trying to hold back tears.

“Hey gorgeous, hi. I can’t believe you’re here” he says.

The baby would open their eyes and give a little smile.

“Oh my god. Your eyes are just like your mother’s. And you have cute chubby cheeks” Harry would stroke the baby’s cheek, and they would wrap their hand around Harry’s thumb and his heart would just melt.

You’d find Harry in the living room just in his black Calvin Klein boxers laughing with his little one. He’s tickling her stomach, earning a giggle.

He would buy so many kid’s toys, you wouldn’t know where to put them anymore. Same thing with the baby clothes. Every time you two went shopping, you just had to stop at the kid’s aisle.

When you were breastfeeding, Harry would look at you so mesmerized, telling you that you are so beautiful. And when he’d be feeding the baby, he’d be singing and dancing to some music. And in the evenings all three of you would be cuddled up on the sofa watching a crappy movie.

When the baby would start to sleep in Harry’s arms, you’d take him/her to their crib, and just watch her with Harry for a while. 

Harry would be so proud to show off his baby. Every time family and relatives would come over, he’d be there showing them how his baby can crawl or point.

When Anne would your baby in her arms and she would point at Harry and say


Harry would just loose it. He would start jumping around and say

“Yes, that’s right, it’s me, dada”

his voice get higher from excitement.  

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