Sick days

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“Harry Edward Styles!” Your voice boomed through your silent home as you slammed the front door open, angrily stomping up towards your shared bedroom where Harry miserably lay with a cold.

“Yes, love?” He responds groggily, turning over in bed to face your figure standing in the middle of the doorway.

“You got me sick!” You groan while dropping yourself onto the bed beside him.

“I was on my way to work and I started feeling nauseous which ended up with me pulling over on the side of the road and throwing up!”

“Did you call in sick?” Harry asks, bringing up a warm hand to caress yours. Instead of speaking, you simply shook your head up and down, no longer wanting to fight back the pain in your throat when you spoke.

“’M sorry I got you sick.”

“Babe, give me a kiss! Cuddle with me!” You mocked in a deep British accent, copying his exact words from the past two nights. You instantly regretted the voice, internally withering at the sharp pain stabbing the back of your throat.

Harry let out a low rumble of a laugh from his chest which ended up leaving him in a coughing fit.

You pushed yourself off the bed and strutted over to your dresser, picking out an oversized shirt from Harry and disappearing into the bathroom where you changed and brushed your teeth.

“Do you want tea?” You question Harry as you pass by the bed.

“Please,” he mumbles.

You padded down to the kitchen and set up the kettle on the stove. Walking over to the cupboards, you pulled out two tea bags of lemon verbena tea, mentally reminding yourself that it was one of the best options for having a cold.

Once the kettle whistled and you poured the boiling water into the cups along with the tea bags, you returned to the bedroom with the hot remedies.

“Thank you, Y/N,” Harry whispers with a small smile as he takes the tea cup from you with steady hands.

“Y'know, lying in bed all day ’s not all bad.”

You happily agreed, now that you were snuggled in between your blankets with a warm cup of tea in your hands and your lover by your side. The TV was turned on and playing re-runs of programs from the house channels, specifically house renovations.

When Harry had finished his tea, he lied back down, this time with his head in your lap and his hands gripping either side of your thighs, his eyes still trained on the TV.

“If I spill my tea on you, it’s not my fault,” you warn with a large frown, gripping your tea cup tightly as you thought of accidentally spilling the hot liquid all over your boyfriend.

“I probably won’t feel it, my body is numb,” Harry answers back, a small moan of discomfort leaving his lips right after.

You let out a quiet ‘aww’ and placed your tea on the bedside table, freeing your hands so you could run them through his matted curls. His hand wrapped around your wrist, tugging down to give you a hint that he wanted you to lie down next to him. You happily obliged, lowering yourself down from your sitting position until you were face to face with him.

“Since we’re both sick, can I kiss you?” He questions with a cheeky smile.

“This was your plan all along wasn’t it? Sneaky, little-” Harry’s lips collided with yours, cutting you off from your accusation.

You instantly kissed him back, sliding one of your hands behind him and gripped the hair on the nape of his neck. His arms encircled around your waist, desperately pulling your body towards him as he brought the two of you impossibly close. Eventually, your body ended up completely on top of his, your lips still locked together and your legs entangled with one another.

Harry Styles imaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora