can yeh hold me?

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It wasn't rare that Harry came to your apartment out of the blue just looking to hang out. Often, you two wouldn't need to do anything special, you just enjoyed each other's company. This was one of those nights.

Both of you sit on your couch, your spot where you and Harry were most likely to be found if you were at your place. You had your head in our book and Harry was scrolling through the television channels. In between every couple of pages, you would look up to take a quick glance at him. He was snuggled into the throw pillow, cocooned in a couple of blankets. His hair was thrown around in every direction, every now and then you can hear him take his hand out from under the blanket so he can comb it in place with his fingers.

"Y/N..." He groaned. You glanced up from your book to see him with a little pout and slightly furrowed brows.

"What's going on, H?" You asked, looking back down at your book.

"M'cold, and bored. There's nothing on right now."

"How are you cold? You have three blankets on."

"It's freezing in here, love."

"I have the heat on."

"It's not helping me at all. Can yeh hold me? You're always warm."

You felt the heat rise to your cheeks. When you looked up and raised your brows a little, he mocked your facial expression. A smirk was slowly creeping on his lips.

"Fine." You rolled your eyes tossed your book over, and crawled over to him. He giggled and lifted up the blankets so you can fit under them. He lay out his arm so you can rest your head on his bicep while you cuddled into his chest.

"Oh my god, Harry. You really are cold," He was freezing, like he just took a nap in snow, "Want me to fix you a cup of tea? That'll warm you up."

"No, m'good. Just stay here, you're like a lil' furnace." You smiled into his chest and stayed where you were, making sure to hold him as close as you can so he can warm up.

You wrapped your arm around him, running your hand up and down Harry's back. Soon enough, you heard his heartbeat slow and his soft little snores. You kissed his chest before you fell asleep aswell.

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