Chapter Seven - Falling

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Chapter Seven - Falling

Chapter Seven - Falling

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"Here you go. Spaghetti Carbonara." the waitress place my food infornt of me "So are you sure there isn't anything I can get you?" She asked Edward I stifled a laugh even I knew she was trying to flirt. Bella and Jasper were sat at another table

"No, no thank you."

"Let me know." I leaned in to him

"I think you have an admirer." I smirked and took my spoon and fork.

"You have to give some answers." I say he groans.

"Yes, no. To get to the other side. 1.77245."

"I don't want to know what the square root of pi is." I deadpanned

"You knew that."

"How did you know where we were? Not even I knew."

"I didn't."

"Fine." I put my cutlery down and stood up.

"Please don't." I sighed and sat back down

"Did you and Jasper follow us?" I questioned

"I..I feel very protective of you." he told me taking my hand.

"So you followed us?"

"We were trying to keep our distance unless you needed our help, and then I heard what those low lives were thinking."

"You heard them? Thinking. Are you trying to tell me you read minds?"

"I can read every mind in this room, apart from you and your sister. There's money, sex, money, sex, cat. And then you...nothing. It's very frustrating"

"If I were to believe this what makes you think you could see anything. There is clearly something wrong with me." Thinking of the obvious.

"I tell you I can read minds and you react like that?"

"Like what?" I wonder

"Not normal"

"Edward there something very important that you need to know about me." I whisper leaning forward


"I'm not normal, I have never been normal and never will be." I smile. He exhales

"What's wrong."

"I don't have the strength to stay away from you anymore."

"Who said you have too?"


We were in the car with the heating on.

"Okay, I'm warm enough." I went to reach forward and was met with something cold. I gasped and looked in Edwards direction.

"Bella, Bella, Bella, Bella." my phone went off. and I answered it


"You near the station?" She asked

"Hang on. Are we near the station?" I questioned Edward


"Yes. Why?"

"Get Edward to Bring you here. I'll meet you outside."

"Can you pull in?" he turned

"What's my Dad's car doing here?" We came to a stop and I got out.

"Jackie." Bells came over as opened the back door. Cleo got out and I shut it.

"Carlisle, what's going on?" Edward asked

"Waylon Forge was found in a boat out near his place. I just examined the body."

"He died?" Bella and I asked

"How?" I wondered

"Animal Attack." Carlisle replied

"Was it the same one who got that security guard down in Mason?" Bells questioned

"It's getting closer to town." I grabbed my sisters hand

"Girls, you should go inside. Waylon was your father's friend."

"Okay. Forward." Cleo started walking

"Stop" I turned round.

"We'll see you later." Both of us went inside and hugged our Dad.

"Dad. We're really sorry."

"I've known him going on 30 years." I let Cleo go . I comforted him

"Don't worry we're gonna find this thing. Meanwhile I want you two to carry this with you. It's mace Jack." I took it.

"Dad?" Bells seemed apprehensive

"It'll give your old man some piece of mind. And stay together."

"Okay" I whispered

"Let's go home." Bells took my hand and we left.

"Jackie, I've had an idea." she said


"Look, they don't eat, they don't go out in sunlight, strange deaths."

"Okay." we got back and We went up to her room. I sat on her bed.

"Cold one." She muttered and typed on her laptop "The Cold one: Apotamkin." she clicked on it

"What's on there?"

"Here?" She plugged my reader into her laptop. I read what she was hovering over. Egypt: The Immortal Drink. India: Scourfe of the Ganges. Peru: The daemons dismemberment. England: Undead, speed, strength, cold skinned, Immortal, drink blood, vampire.

"Vampire." I breathed

"It makes sense. With everything else."

"Bella, do you really think we're falling for vampires?"

"Jack, what else."

"I don't know. I...I need to sleep on this." I stood up and left for my room. Everything I had read buzzed through my mind and never stopped till it woke me. I got up. Cleo whined as I went to Bella's room


"Jack" I opened the door and went in

"It impossible but I think I'm falling for a vampire.

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