Chapter Forty One - Honeymoon's Over

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Chapter Forty One - Honeymoon's over...

I sat in silence, twisting my phone in my hand on the way to the airport

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I sat in silence, twisting my phone in my hand on the way to the airport. I knew three things in my heart 1. I was pregnant 2. Edward did not view the growing baby as a person. it was just a thing. 3. I was going to need someone on my side.

"Wait here till we load."He got out of the car and I opened my phone.

"Call Rebekah." I waited for her to pick up


"Bekah, I need your help."

"Anything." I sniffed

"I think I'm pregnant." I told her. and there was a stunned silence


"I'm pregnant. And I have a really bad feeling everyone is gonna turn against it, in fear. Please Bekah, I need you."

"Hey, it's alright. Hayley and I will meet you at the house okay."

"Thank you." I hung up.

"Bella, Bella, Bella." I answered


"Jack. I need your help."

"Your pregnant."

"Yeah, how did you..."

"I am too." I broke down.

"Hey, hey, hey." I stopped and calmed myself

"He called, the baby a thing. Bella"

"We're gonna be okay. I called Rosalie, she'll help."

"Bekah and Hayley too. You have that feeling don't you. People fear what they can't understand."

"I know. Jasper's freaked out." I heard the door open and I wiped away my tears and slipped my glasses on.

"I'll see you later. sis." I hung up

"We're ready." I got out of the car and boarded the plane. The way back was tense. I wouldn't say a word. Bekah and Hayley were there when we arrived. The brought me into a hug.

"We're here okay." I nodded gratefully. Carlisle tried to test me the baby, but nothing could touch it or see it.


Over two weeks I had gotten huge, I was told that I looked seven to eight months. Which scared them. Bella and I were weak carrying the child in us. But we along with Rose, Bekah and Hayley stood united. I sat on the sofa with my headphones in. Someone tapped my shoulder and I took one out.

"Jacob's here." Hayley told me. I sat up and draped my arms over my swollen stomach.

"I'm glad you came." Bella told her friend

"Close enough." Rosalie guarded

"What's your problem." Jacob sneered

"Rose it's okay." my sister stated and Jacob walked past her. We were under the quilts Mom made us for graduation. Jacob sighs

"You look terrible." I rolled my eyes

"Yeah, it's nice to see you too." I could hear how she smiled

"So are you going to tell me what's wrong with the two of you."

"Rose, Bekah. Wanna help us up." I say. I removed the quilt so my belly was showing. Bekah helped me get up.

"You did this." Jacob snarled

"We didn't even know this was possible with our kind." Carlisle informed the wolf.

"What is it?"

"I'm not sure. Ultrasounds and needles won't penetrate the embryonic sac" I sat back down rubbing my stomach

"I can't see them and I can't see Jackie and Bella's future anymore." Alice added

"We've been researching legends but there isn't much to go on. What we do know is that it's strong. And fast growing."

"Why haven't you done anything. Take it out of them."

"This is none of your business dog." Rebekah snapped at him

"Rebekah. All of this fighting isn't good for the girls."

"The foetus' aren't good for them." Alice retorted

"Say the word Alice. 'Babies' there just little babies." Hayley defended

"Carlisle, you've got to do something."

"No!" Bella made them go quiet "It's not your decision, it's not any of yours. It's mine and Jackie's."

"Jacob we need to talk to you." I yawned

"Can you help me. I need to get some sleep." Hayley helped me up and I was taken to mine and Edward's room


Jacob broke away from the pack. He dressed and ran back to the Cullen house to warn them. He heard a snap and Seth came out from the trees. Jake looked around to see if the others were there.

"Whoa, don't worry they're not following us." Seth reassured him

"What are you doing here."

"I left Sam's pack."

"Go home, Seth."

"I won't stand behind him."

"Oh yes you will. I'm not kidding." Jacob snapped

"Is that an order? You going to make me bow down too."

"I'm not ordering anyone. I'm just going of on my own here."

"Great, I've got your back."

"No you don't. If Sam comes after Bella and Jackie are you ready to fight your own brothers? Your sister?"

"It's the right thing to do. Jake, Rebekah, she's my imprint. And she also cares for Jackie. So I'm going to protect them."

"Whatever. I'm going to give the Cullen's a head's up. Do what you want" Jacob made his way down

"How cool is this, a two man pack. Two men against the world."

"You're getting on my nerves Seth."

They reached the house. Edward and Jasper were on the porch

"Get ready, they're coming for them."

"They're not going to hurt them?" Jasper replied


"Man I can smell them from all the way out here?" Leah joined the boys

"What are you doing here."

"I'm not gonna let my little brother, get himself killed." She retorted

"Go away Leah, I can take care of myself" Seth huffed

"The fact you think so proves you need a babysitter."

"Both of you shut up. Did Sam send you." Jake questioned

"Sam doesn't even know I left." Howling rang in the distance

" I think he just figured it out." Seth gulped

"Jake, I know what his plan is." Leah told him

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