Chapter Forty - Honeymoon Part Two

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Chapter Forty - Honeymoon Part 2

I changed into the baby doll dress that Rebekah packed

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I changed into the baby doll dress that Rebekah packed. I got ready for bed and walked out giving the sense that I wasn't paying that much attention. Edward groaned and I smirked in triumph. We fulfilled our time in different ways. One of them was cliff diving. I jumped on his back and held on. He ran off the edge and I whooped. Coming up from the water I laughed he swam in front then back using his speed. I kissed him, before pulling away teasingly.

"I'm doing that again." I got out and went back to the top. Adrenaline Junkie alert. I walked back and took a big run up.

"Whooo" I splashed into the water and came back up.

"You're mad." He chuckles

"Thank you." I breathed

We went hiking, played more chess. As I continued to seduce my husband. During the night I had a dream that dream that he was with me again, but sadly I woke up.

"Jackie, did you have a nightmare?" Edward asked me I turned on my back

"No just a dream." I reply.

"Then why are you crying." I felt the soft tears drip down my face.

"Cause it wasn't real." I wiped them away quickly.

"Tell me." he whispered. Instead I reached up and showed him

"I can't."

"Please, for me." he gave me leant down and kissed me that night he made me more happy


I tied my hair up as I walked through the house. I heard Edward talking.

"Jackie, these are our housekeepers. Gustavo and Kaure." He introduced me


"This is my wife Jackie." he told them in Portuguese The returned the getting and left quickly I grabbed one of my t-shirt and slipped it on

"What was that about?"

"She's afraid for you." he told me

"Why?" I wondered

"Because I have you here all alone."

"They know about you?"

"She suspects. She's native Ticuna. They have legend about blood drinking demons who prey on beautiful women." he tickled me under the leg as he kissed me. I squealed in delight. We were interrupted by the woman.

"Hey." The man said and she exited with him. I started giggling.

I fell asleep early that night, when I woke up the next day there was a recorder left on the counter.

"Jackie, I've gone to the mainland to hunt. I'll be back before you wake." It ended

"You're late." I was hungry so I decided to get something. I sniffed and picked out some lemon curd, bacon, cheese and bread." I made a bacon and cheese sandwich while spooning the lemon. I hummed along to a song from the wedding. When I finished I started eating. It tasted so nice. Half way through I stopped. I had this sickening feeling. dropping the food, I ran to the toilet and brought what I had eaten back up

"Jackie." I finished and breathed

"Edward, don't come in. You should have to see it." I flushed the toilet and sat down. He opened the door anyway.

"In sickness and in health remember."

"It must have been the bacon. Now I remember why I'm not allowed to cook." I joke "Can you pass me my bag." he stood and put it in front of me. I ran my fingers through the contents when I stopped at something. It was my tampax. I sat up straighter.

"What?" I stood up thoughts rushing through my head

"How many days has it been since the wedding?"

"Fourteen, why." I went to say something when it dawned on me. "Will you tell me what's going on?"

"I'm late." I tell him. "My period's late." I breath I begin to walk out but stop. I felt my stomach, it was different.

"That's just impossible. Can this happen?" I ask him I kept my hands on my stomach.

"What the..." I felt something literally move inside me. Edward's phone started ringing. I jogged over and took his phone out and answered it.


"Jackie, are you alright?" it was Alice

"I'm not completely sure." I replied

"Why? What's wrong?" I just..."

"Just what? Alice what did you see?" I pressured

"Here's Carlisle."

"Jackie, is everything alright."

"I don't know can vampires go into shock." I replied knowing that my husband was frozen on the spot.

"Has Edward been harmed?"

"No. Look, I know it's impossible but I think that I'm pregnant." I felt something move again

"Holy.. Something just moved inside me. I swear." Edward took the phone off me

"Carlisle is this possible.?" he asked and Carlisle replied

"What's he saying."

"Yeah, yeah. I will." he hung up the phone.

"Well?" I asked. He didn't say anything just sped about picking stuff up. He zipped my case up and cursed under his breath.

"It's Kaure, she's come to see if your still alive." He went to answer. I leaned my body against the wall. My shivering hands touched my stomach. I heard Edward and Kaure arguing.

"What have you done to her." She asked my husband. I snap my head towards her

"What do you know about this."

"I know that you're a demon." She snapped "You've killed this little girl."

"Excuse me."

"Her people have legends maybe she can tell us more. Please tell me how to help her."

"You're kind only do bad."

"Please I will do anything. Please tell me how can she survive this." he begged. She came closer and touched my stomach

"Death." I took a couple of steps back. That's all she said before she left.

"I'm not going to let her hurt you. Carlisle will get that thing out." he took our bags and went out. I touched my stomach protectively.


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