Chapter Forty Nine - Friends

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Chapter Forty Nine - Friends

Jasper and Bella went back home while We went to our second stop

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Jasper and Bella went back home while We went to our second stop. New Orleans. We drove through the streets as the sense of familiarity washed over me

"You lived her Mommy?" Mason wondered

"Yes, sweetie. I live with Auntie Bekah and Auntie Hayley." We pulled up outside the compound. I turned to face the twins.

"Auntie Bekah and I are going to talk with some of you other Uncles and Aunt's okay. Then daddy will bring you in."

"Okay" We got out and went inside. I think our footsteps wear heard

"Jacqueline. Rebekah?" I smiled recognising Elijah

"Elijah" I sped over to hug him "I missed you."

"And I you." I stood back as he gave me the one over "Immortality suit you."

"Thank you" he greeted Rebekah then turned back to me

"What brings you here?" He wondered

"My family is in trouble. Where's Nik?"

"I thought I heard my little warrior." I smiled at him

"What can we do for you and my little sister."

"Long story short, I got pregnant, had twins then was turned. Now the volturi think mine and Bella's children are Immortal children. They're coming to kill us."

"Let us meet them then." I nodded and sped out. Edward and i brought them back in.

"Mason, Elizabeth . This is Elijah and Niklaus. Rebekah's brothers."

"Hello." The greeted. The two showed the brothers what happed and projecting them back to a couple of months ago

"It seems you need all the help you can get."

"You'll help."

"Of course. It's about time someone put them reject's in place." Nik commented "No offence."

"None taken." Edward nodded. Everyone was called and soon they all agreed to travel back with us. I was grateful for my 'extended' family


We travelled back to Forks with everyone in tow

"So how many witnesses, have you gathered." Elena asked as we all got out. I picked up Lilibet and turned to her

"We've all spread out in our search. I don't know how many yet." I told her. We all made our way inside. The others were out back.

"Who's this? I ask my sister? Mason and Lilibet run to their cousin.

"This is Benjamin, Tia, Amun and Kebi. Carlisle's friends from the Egyptian coven. This is my sister Jackie and her two children Mason and Elizabeth." I held out my hand which Kebi took

"Thank you for coming, this means a lot." she bowed her head slightly. I turn to Benjamin and Tia.

"Haven we met before?" he asked me

"I don't recall your voice?" he looked puzzled

"Before I was turned, I was blind, I relied on my other senses to identify. You're not familiar" Benjamin showed the children his gifts. Mason looked up in wonder as it a dirt tornado flew into the air. He flicked open his hands and he freeze it. He then looked to his sister who copied but him but it blew up.

"Remarkable." I turned to Ealzar

"You know their gifts." He nodded

"Together they share as you know Astral Projection but individually they have somewhat different gifts."

"What do they have?" Edward asked

"Mason possesses Molecular Immobilization while Elizabeth Molecular Combustion." All I could think of is that they were charmed. That was literally the first thing that came into my head. I couldn't reply because Animals crying out in shock distracted me.

"Someone's here." I sped over to the twins. When two women dropped down from the tree. "Who are they?" I asked

"Senna and Zafrina. From the Amazon" The arrival of the Amazon coven meant our plea was being heard the most remote corners. The children showed Senna and Zafrina the truth of their existence which meat we had two more witnesses.

Emmett and Rosalie brought home Garrett a solider Carlisle had met at the Battle of York town. The more that came the more each of them was made to see. Carlisle convinced his Irish friend to make the journey here. Jasper had called on Charlotte and Peter from his time when he fought in Maria's army.

However the more that came the more things got complicated. Not everyone drank animal blood, no one apart from us and the Denali's. The nomad's Rosalie and Emmett sent were even more unpredictable.

"A lot of Red eyes around here?" Jacob commented as he stood with Bella and I

"They agreed not to hunt in the area." I told him

"But they're going to eat somewhere" He replied. The more vampires that came the more Quileute were turned, compelled to join their pack. Soon enough, Carlisle and Esme returned With our last witness

"How many came?" He asked

"41." I answered "We have some really good friends."

"And Alice?" Esme wondered. We shook her head and she hugged me and Bella.

"Well, we'll all be on Aro's list now. A century of running that's what you've brought me. Some friend Carlisle." I turned my head to a nomad

"Alistair come meet everyone."

"I already told you, if it comes to a fight I won't stand against the Volturi"

"It won't come to a fight."

"I'll be in the attic." Alistair jumped to the roof and spared us a glance before retreating.

"He's not a people person." Esme told

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