Chapter Fourteen - Dance

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Chapter Fourteen - Dance

Bella pinned my hair back as we finished getting ready

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Bella pinned my hair back as we finished getting ready. It was the end of the month and the night of the prom which Edward was obviously taking me to. I was giving Cleo the night off.

"What a pair we are. We really are twins." I chuckled

"Are you happy?" She randomly asked

"Of course I am. Why would you ask?"

"No reason, I just wanted to make sure.

"Are you happy?"


"Good. Now let's go." We both took our time getting down the steps

"Alice gave us the dresses." Bella told them

"And the casts we'll..." I chuckled nervously

"Perfect." They muttered and I felt myself blush.

"We'll take care of them sir." Japer told our Dad

"Yeah, I've heard that before." the door opened

"Girls." I heard Dad then the boys leave.

"I put a extra can of pepper spray in your bags.

"Daddy." I shook my head

"You both look beautiful." I smile and head out. Edward give me his arm and both of us leave in separate cars. When we arrived. Edward helped me over to a bench while he and Jasper parked their cars.

"Bella, Jack." I heard Jake.

"Jake." I chimed


"Nice." he said and I guessed he was talking about how we were dressed .

"So do you. Are you crashing the prom or something? Did you bring a date?" I chuckled at her firing questions

"No, my dad paid me to come talk to the two of you. 20 bucks."

"Let's hear it." he sat in between the two of us.

"Okay, just don't get mad." i nod "He wants you two break up with your boyfriends. Cause he said, quote 'we'll be watching you'" laugh a little

"Okay well tell him thanks" Jake laughs

"And to pay up." I add

"Okay let me help you." I stood up and he helped Bella.

"Jacob." Edward and Jasper come back "We've got it." Edward takes my waist. I smile softly

"By Jake."

"Bye Jackie." Edward rapped my shawl around me.

"I leave you alone for two minutes and the wolves descend." He jokes and I laugh.

"I cannot believe that you convinced me to do this."

"Just smile." I did and there was a camera click We continued walking when he lifted be up. I giggled slightly.

"Can you see any of my other friends?" I ask

"Mike and Jess are taking pictures."

"Where's Bella?"

"Behind us."

"Bells" I held out my arm. She took it.

"What does Jess look like?" I wondered

"Hot. Like really hot. Let's just say the dress she's wearing shows of what she has." I giggled." We walked around. Edward telling me what others were doing. Eric and Angie were Djing

"What colour is her dress."

"Cream. She looks like a elegant princess." Bella told me

"Do you want to get out of here?" Edward asked me

"Please." we left my sister and Jasper.

"Where are we now?"

"In a gazebo, there are fairy lights all around and it's beautiful an peaceful."

"You're getting good at this. Being my eyes." I joke

"Shall we."


"Why not?" he took my waist

"I don't think you can keep up with me." I smirk

"Another talent you learned in the year of you mysterious patrons."

"Maybe, you can learn a lot in a year."

"Who are they anyway?"

"Very old and very wise people." I told him. We continued to dance

"Why did you let the venom spread? If you did I'd be like you."

"You don't know what you're saying."

"I do, I'd be like you and I would be able to see you. I want to be with you always, Edward."

"That's the way it's supposed to be."

"Alice saw me like you."

"Her visions change."

"Based on choice. I've made mine. I'm a firm believer that I was born to be with you, Edward Cullen. Nothing is going to change my mind."

"Is that what you dream about? Becoming a monster."

"I dream about being with you forever." he brushed my hair away and my breathing did not change.

"And are you ready right now?"

"Yes." He came closer to my neck and kissed it.

"Is it not enough just to have a long and happy life with me."

"Yeah. For now." I told him. He leaned in and slowly kissed me.

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