2; Please, love me back

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The moment that all students have been waiting for has finally arrived, When the bell for the dismissal blaring through the speakers. I stretch my body, laying back at my seat before putting all my books into my cute backpack, ready to leave.

The class is already empty now, just when I zips my bag, Taehyung enters the class, looking for me. Of course! What else he'll do around my department.

He approaches me, reading something on his phone. A deep sigh leaves my mouth, just when he stands right in front of me.

"Jimin told me to drop you home today after college," He says nonchalantly.

"He.. What?" I ask, almost yell at him.

Taehyung snorts, "I can hear perfectly, You don't have to yell on the top of your lungs, Okay?" He raises a brow at me.

"Thank you for the offer but I'll let it slide," I fake a smile, all set to walk away from him but he immediately pulls me by my arm.

"It's not an offer. He knows, You use public transportation when he doesn't drop you and he doesn't feel safe while sending you that way."

"Who is he?"

"How can he decide, how I should go home?" I glare at him.

Taehyung sighs, "Look, I am not the right person to answer that but he is just worried about you. Take it as a free ride, Okay?"

"Nothing is free in this world," I scoff, crossing my arms against my chest. He smirks, raising his brow, "Really? Are you going to offer me something then?" He asks, wiggling his brow playfully.

"Yah! I didn't mean that," I say, baffled.

Taehyung chuckles, "Then what do you mean?" He leans in, his breath hitting my face. I pull out my hand to maintain the distance between us.

"Are you not afraid of him?" I warn.

He stops moving and smirks, "Wah! You are really unbelievable."

"Why?" I ask, confused.

"You pretend not to like him or anything he does for you yet here you are threatening me by taking his name," He smirks, nibbling on his bottom lip.

Blinking my eyes rapidly, I think about what I just said. Do I really not like jimin doing these things for me?

"Can I ask you something?" Taehyung says, tilting his head to the right with both of his hands in his pant's pockets.

"You just did though but go on," I wave my hand in front of his face lazily.

What he can ask me? Nothing really important or private.

"Do you love Jimin?"

I choke, coughing a little, "What?"

He laughs, "It's okay, His love is enough for the both of you." He smiles, genuinely.

I look at him, bewildered by his words. "Yah!" I was about to scold him but he quickly pats my head.

"Nevermind, Just meet at the parking lot, Okay?" Taehyung winks, before leaving me away in the empty classroom with messed up thoughts about him.

"Hey loser,"

She says, smirking down at me. I slam my locker hard, loud enough to make her flinch in sudden shock though she's still trying to keep her composer.

"Do you know who's the head cheerleader of this year's basketball team?" She asks, flipping her hair off of her shoulder. "Kim Yoona," She answers herself.

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