46; Hiding the truth and lying?

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- past

New day, same way.

Jimin came to visit the girl again though she would not know about him at all. He had been sitting closely while reading the book silently as his fingertips trailed over the embossed paper.

Thoughts wandered around his head as he changed his gaze out the window where he saw some kids playing and people chatting, laughing around in their hospital gowns. Lips curving into a thin line as he witnessed, who were normally playing and laughing despite the sufferings.

How can he live in the moment when his thoughts never feel like his own. It's hard for him to admit, still that he was broken.


His voice brought him out of his reverie, turning around to face his best friend who stood by the door frame, casually with arms crossed against his chest.

"How long are you going to sit here?"

"Just few minutes more," Jimin replied instantly while staring at the sleeping girl on the hospital bed. Her skin as pale as a ghost, lips had no colour in them, she looked nothing like human.

When Jimin brushed his fingers against hers it felt cold as ice. The old warmth she carried was long gone and he really missed that feeling. He missed her alot.

"Are you okay, Chim," Taehyung asked, knitting his brow together, showing some concern, that's what he had been doing since past months.

He sighed, lifting and bringing her hand close to his lips only to press a soft kiss before answering, "Breathing fine,"

The same old answer from the same changed Jimin. Convincing everybody she can save him, but she was the who made him fall.

"Good lord, why you make it so hard?" Jimin cooed, interwining his hands with hers, staring deeply ever inch of her body. How badly he wished, she wakes up any moment and puts her arms around him, as always.

Jimin was told not to speak or talk much in her room, specially something sensitive because there was some concern that sense of hearing was the last to be affected by coma symptoms.

Therefore, a coma patient would hear what was said in the room.

Sighing, he placed her hand back against the hospital bed, "I miss you so much. Please come back to me, Y/N."

Jimin had no idea how long he had to wait to hear her voice again. It's hard for him to grow accustomed to an empty house where the only sound of breathing would be his, because he didn't know how to stop the memories of them from turning into nightmares.

Taehyung tried his best to distract him and his bestfriend from the painful memories, but no matter how hard he tried, they still came back to haunt them.

Months passed by awfully slow making it seem like years. Though, it had been six months only, that she was put into a coma by a hit-and-run, still no one knew who hit Y/N.

Another day, another way

Jimin collapsed on the cold floor, after hearing the news, watching his hands getting whiter from the pressure it had to endure.

He wanted to cry, wanted to scream and finally end it, end his life. He was tired, all these sleepless nights and what he recieved in the end? It's as if he ran on the path of thorns that led him to a deep pit.

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