38; Tell him.. i am sorry

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- past

Busan in July was hot and dry. The sun baked the streets, sidewalks and anything else in its path. Sweat was inevitable even under the shade or with the assistance of a fan.

People around loved to visit the beautiful beaches here but some liked to stay indoors with full air conditioners on. But unlucky for her as she was heading to meet Jimin at his company.

Right, when Taehyung told her about him being back in Busan without letting Jimin know. She could not wait to see and tell me everything; five weeks pregnant, it still felt surreal to her.

Though earlier she was in a dilemma, she should go or not but eventually decided to go. Without even checking, if he's there at the moment or not. She doesn't want Jimin to be suspicious about her visiting him.

She could not wait for him to pay a visit, when he would be free, waiter longer than she could. Beyond excited to break the good news to him, she was nervous at the same time thinking about his reaction.

She did not know how he might react, positive or negative. She was panicking on the inside yet kept cool on the outside.

"I'm heading to meet Jimin. Will call you later, okay?" She spoke into her phone while sitting at the back seat of a taxi.

Yoongi giggled from the other side of the phone, "Alright.. just call me again when you tell him everything,"

"I will,"

"Take care.."

She smiled wide and hung up the call. Putting her phone back into the small clutch, she carried. Her legs were shaking, it was her first time visiting him at his company.

She wanted to double surprise him, hopefully.

After paying for the taxi ride, she stepped out while fixing her knee length flury dress, a present from Jimin for her which she absolutely loved it. How can she not after all it was one of the anniversary gifts.

She made sure there were no wrinkles on the dress, must look presentable as it was her first visit to the company building.

She looked up at the huge glass building, PARK GROUP written in bold black huge font. A faint smile made its way on her lips, he worked so hard to get what he has today and she was so proud of her boyfriend.

"Hello, how may I help you," The brunette girl, who stood behind the reception desk asked politely bowing down.

She bowed back immediately with a warm smile and nervously spoke to her, "I am here to see, Mr. Park Jimin."

The girl nodded her head with the same welcoming smile. She picked up the intercom which was kept on the table while dialing a number.

Instantly asking for Jimin to the person on the other side of the line, if he is available or at least present in the building at the moment.

After hanging up the call, the girl looked at her, "I am so sorry to inform you mam but sir is not in the building at the moment." She informed in an apologetic tone.

She was disappointed, the drive from her house to the office was all gone to waste now. Jimin was not here, she felt stupid for not confirming before coming here.

Pouting out her bottom lip like an innocent kid, she stood there zoning out for a few seconds. She heard her name being called as she was too into her deep thoughts she almost didn't hear.

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