36; It's not your fault.. never was

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1 week, 7 days, passed by so quickly. It is as if it was yesterday you confessed your true feelings towards Jimin, not to him instead Jeongguk. Though you really wish, it was him.

Gladly, everything between you and Jeongguk is going steady, focusing more on the project and less on the complex relation. It's good at least you're trying to be nice to each other as nothing is easy and quick when it comes to change, patience and time it needs.

What bothers you is... Why is Jimin not around you?

1 week 7 days, Jimin is not talking to you. For two days you did not see him in the college even and just thought that maybe he is busy with work or something; he owns his dad's company now, it can be pressuring but now after a whole damn week.

You feel sick and curious with no idea what to do?

Why is he not in touch with you? He is not answering your calls, not replying to your messages.

Why is he avoiding you? Before your first lecture in the morning you saw him entering the main hallway, you called out his name but no response.

What could have been done by you to receive such a silent treatment from him? Clueless, completely unaware of what he knows.

Confused.. yes, you are. Moreover now you feel how he must have felt, when he used to chase and you used to ignore and this emotion you feel right now is definitely not a good on. For you it's new but not good at all. You feel like shit and want to release this building angry and frustration on someone, anyone for that matter.

You call him every day and every night before sleeping but no answer. You're losing your mind and you don't know what to do.

When you approach him he finds an excuse to move away, leaving you dumbfounded.

And now you're sitting in the lecture hall while biting your nails, not even slightest bit bother to hear what the professor is teaching.


You hear a familiar voice coming from beside suddenly making you jolt up in the seat. You turn to the right to face the one who greeted, "Hi.." You say, no smile on the lips, no shine in the eyes.

Hani squints her eyes, confused by the whole low vibes, sudden dull behavior. She is totally oblivious of Jimin ignoring you as he did not tell anyone about it not yet, "Ah..Yoongi wants us to stop by his place after the lecture gets over."

You nod as a response simply. Hani frowns, "What happened?" She says bothered by your mood.

You pout out your bottom lip, sadly though trying not to show but can't help it. It's driving you crazy and you're losing your mind, "Jimin.."

"What about him," Hani asks immediately.

You sigh deeply, playing with the pen in between your fingers. You look at her, frowning almost on the edge of crying, "I don't know he is acting weird," You tell her, honestly.

After figuring out your feelings for him, it's been hard on you to stay away from him. You even tried to text him the whole angry/love note but erased because you were beyond annoyed.

"Ah.. he is driving me crazy not like it's something new but it's a whole new level now," You whine, faking a cry totally forgetting that you are still present in your class room and not bedroom.

A small piece of white chalk hits you in the face suddenly, making you let out a loud screech.

"What the f-"

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