Chapter 7

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"what the hell?!" She read the content of the file.

Just then Rihito entered the hall, "Sorry, I made you wait..." He drifted away as Rina glared at him.

"What is this? Would you please explain?" She narrowed her eyes at him.

"What?" He looked at her in confusion.

"This!" She turned the file to him.

"Oh this...umm... I wasn't really going to use this.. it was just a backup plan in case you refused or backed out at last minute." Rihito smiled nervously. Damn! She was not supposed to see that.

"Back up plan? Running a background check on me as your backup plan?" She tilted her head in confusion.

Oh, she hasn't discovered yet. Good! He's still safe. Phew! He thought.

"Hmm.. yeah. Now, can I have that file back?" He tried to take it.

"Wait, there's more to this isn't it?" She pulled her hands back and secured the file against her chest. 

"What? It's just a background check."  Rihito smiled at her but she eyed him suspiciously.

"Fine, go ahead and check for yourself." He crossed his arms and pouted sulkily.

"I know you're a good actor so stop pretending and this of course I'll thoroughly go through this."  

"Wow, you don't trust me at all, huh?" He sighed.

"If it's just a background check then why is it your back up plan..."She muttered, "...unless.." she thought for a moment, "you have something to use against me?!" She unconsciously raised her voice as she realized it.

"Hey you're not supposed to check other's room and just do whatever you want, respect privacy." He tried to snatch the file.

"It's my privacy being breached here, so don't you dare!" She glared at him threatening him. She read every page of the file and glared at him. 

"Why do you have this?" She tried not to yell, still hoping it's not what she thought it was. He wouldn't go this far would he? She tried to keep her calm.

"Look I told you I wasn't going to use that," Rihito said in defense and *Snap* the thread of her patience snapped, there goes her calmness.

"No! I don't want your excuses. Your so-called backup plan was to use this against me? How can you stoop so low?" She yelled at him.

"I said I wasn't going to-" 

"Oh shut up! I knew you were annoying, irritating, pervert and womanizer but today you've surpassed my imagination. I never imagined you would exploit one's weakness like this! You're using my brother?!" She shouted at him trying her best to keep her tears at bay.

"I said I wasn't, damn it." He shouted back at her.

"Stop lying! You're disgusting! I can't believe I decided to help you. Such a manipulator! You know what, forget about being your fake wife, I can't even stand the sight of you. You can just go to hell!!" She turned around and hurried to the door. 

"Rina please listen to me." Rihito stood in front of her, blocking her way.

"Get out of my way Rihito." She glared at him as she clenched her fist.

"If you go out of here, I'll be forced to use that, which I really don't want to." He said as he stared at her.

"Now you're showing your true face?" She punched him hard on his face. She did have a bad opinion on him but this thing was just beyond her expectations, after all the things he did for her, from her break up to being his fake girlfriend, she thought 'hmm he's got a good side too', though he irritated and annoyed her every single day with his talk and she never liked him for that very reason, she disliked him but never hated him. 

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