Chapter 27

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"I've never seen him like this. He just... I don't know... I can't believe it's the same Rihito, he's different..." 

"And?" Ai looked on.

"The fake demeanor of the playboy is starting to crumble down, I can't believe all this time he had been hiding behind the playboy, the happy-go-lucky guy face, behind that there is a scared innocent child, he really makes me want to hide him from the world, protect him from whatever he fears, I honestly won't mind spending my entire life in one room with him, away from rest of the world so no one could touch him or scare him. I really want to heal the scars he's been burdened with." 

"You're really like a guy. A strong, reliable husband?" Ai smiled at her.

"It has nothing to do with being a guy or a girl, it's just how I feel. But the problem is, he won't share it with me. he would entirely dodge the question or because he doesn't want to be dishonest so he just replies with his only honest feelings 'I Love you' that's how he gets away with answering and I'm also scared that if I push him further I may lose him entirely, it's like I'm walking on a thin rope." She sighed reminiscing the morning's incident. 

They spent the entire morning cuddled up in bed when she went to make the breakfast he followed her and kept hugging her the entire time, "I didn't know you're so clingy." She laughed when he didn't let her go even for a second, entirely restricting her movements. "Is that bad?" He asked loosening his grip. "No." She replied immediately as his dejected voice scared her. "I like it." She added.

"It feels like he's testing me. What's he so scared of? I fell for him despite he was a flirt, a playboy, he even blackmailed me into a fake marriage, I didn't leave him then, why would I leave him now? How can I help him when I don't even know what's bothering him?" She hit her head on the table.

"Now? What do you plan to do?" Ai asked.

She pondered over the suggestion Ryouma had given her, "You have two options 1. Beat the truth out of him. 2. Wait until he comes around by himself. Honestly, I prefer the first one, waiting is pointless in his case. I waited for like years for him to come and tell me until one day, I and Aaron beat the shit out of him then he blurted out."

"I plan to wait," She nodded, "for now... well until my patience runs out." She added.


A few days later

"Yes, yes, I'm leaving. I'll be there in 15 minutes." She replied to her husband on the call. They had a movie date. 

"I know you're still stuck with the work, so stay there, finish it before those 15 minutes, I'm on my way to pick you up." He answered. 

"Okay, deal." She hung up the call and immediately threw herself on work. She ran out, "Here, these designs need some modification, I've written up here on this note." She passed on the files to her assistant. 

She ran back inside and sitting on her chair she pulled out her phone from her bag, she turned on the front camera as the mirror, she let her hair down and put on some makeup, just then she heard a knock on her door, "yes?" She looked up.

"You have someone searching for you outside." Her assistant replied.

"So soon?" She peeked at her watch. 

"It's your mother-in-law." She added.

"I know... wait, who?" She frowned.

"Your mother-in-law." Her assistant repeated.

Rina froze for a moment. 'The infamous mother-in-law' She thought for a moment, then replied, "make her sit, I'll be there right away." 

After the girl left, Rina took her phone and dialed the number. "Yes?" The person on the other side answered. "Customer service?" She bit her lips. It was kind of like a code word they came up with in case he was busy, the word would alarm emergency. 

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