Chapter 24

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"So you ran away?" Aaron mocked his friend over the phone.

"I can't stay with her another minute, I lose myself around her, I want to stay away from her but I can't," Rihito replied. "I don't want her to be pulled up in my messed up life but I can't resist her, it's better if we stay away from each other," He added.

"You are coming back, right?" There was clear panic in his voice, "You do plan to return, right?"

"Maybe I shouldn't," Rihito sighed.

"Oi!" He shouted.

"I know, I know, don't worry I'll return to you guys safe and sound, happy?" Rihito rolled his eyes. "Where will I go? You guys will find me anyway so I'll just spare you and myself the trouble."

"And?" He asked.

"I'll end this ill-fated relationship, she wanted out of this fake marriage anyway, I'll set her and myself free," Rihito replied. "Okay, my friends are calling me, I'll call you later," He then hung up the call.

Aaron stared at his blank screen, "Why're you planning to push your happiness away? You have the right to be happy too, idiot!"


I love to have things pre-planned. I always check and double-check to see that things go smoothly, that's my nature I can't help it. But ever since I met Rihito, things never NEVER go as I want it. He's like a natural calamity can happen anywhere, at the most unexpected places and at the most unexpected times. Many things have happened ever since I met him, my break up, being a sudden fake girlfriend, and the most outrageous thing- entering into a fake marriage. Among these turmoils, jumping into a fake marriage and all the unplanned adventures, I've lost myself, I've got no time to stay still and think even for a moment, now that the calamity has left for his unknown adventure, I finally get to have some free time with myself... is what I thought but the so-called peace- I don't find it! The reason is obviously is 'The calamity', that guy hasn't called me once since he left!

"Seriously?" I glare at my phone. "You're kidding me, right? It's Day 2 damn you!" I yell.

"can't you even give me a call saying you've reached?" I shout at the blank screen.

Of course, I know he's reached safely and they even went canyoning and of course his favorite scuba diving and shark diving that he was dying for! V sent me pics. But dude couldn't you give a single f**king call?!

"You know what? Let's forget about 'The calamity' and get back to work!" I slapped my cheeks hard. "Come on Rina! Let's focus on work!"

Just then my phone lets out a 'ting' notification sound. I immediately check my phone, my smile disappear in an instant, again it's V! she sent me some pics of them having dinner. They're having fun! great! "As if!" I turn my phone off to get rid of the anticipation 'now he'll call' 'now he'll call'

Turn off your phone, no phone, no anticipation! Great! Now let's get back to work!


Next day

"Is this the test of patience?" Rina glared at her phone again.

"Why don't you call him instead?" Ai shrugged.

"Not interested. Here goes my phone. Rihito=blocked. Now no more anticipation." Rina faked a smile.

"that's a scary one, your smile." Ai let out a nervous laugh.

'ting' again the notification sound. "Damn this! Should I block her too?" "No, but that'll be too rude."

"you should unblock him, what if he actually calls?"

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