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Clarys pov

Alright class pick your partner Mrs claten said. Thirty seconds left. Hey redhead won't to be partners I hear someone say. No sorry I already have a partner. Ok I'm Sebastian and you are. Clary fray. Well you are very good at drawl- ok class you will be doing a short project. You will need to pick someone historical and right a essay on it you must have it done by next Friday. Mrs claten had cut Sebastian off. Which I thought was kind of funny but who am I to judge cut off all the time you know by bells and then just people pushing me down but it doesn't really matter cuz I don't really want to talk to Sebastian I met him when I was in 7th grade he was a player and he is now and he always will be it's just a one-night stand and I'm never going to be part of that.  Who should we pick jace said. Umm I dont know you choose. Well I'm going to choose a women because women had it hard back then. Ya I like that idea. Ok how about Abigail Adams. Oh ya I like that one.

Time skip to frikken lunch BC honestly I'm to bored to write about that crap.

Sebastians pov

I saw the little red head. I dont know what I have to do to get her ..... but I will do what ever it takes because jace likes her and he takes every girl I like so now pay back is suck a bitch and I guess you will realize that. I dont remember netting her or being friends with her. I walked up to Clary who was grabbing a water. Hey you won't to come sit with me and my friends. Who me she asked. Ya you who else. Um I dont know maybe the wall. Ha ha very funny. And I would rather marry a rock then sit with you. Well fine with me bitch I said. Hey at least people dont say I have similaritys to a trash can. Ohhhh I heard the people in the cafeteria say. What did you say I said. Oh I know what to get you for a Christmas presents some hearing aids. Oohhhh you gonna need serious alone for that burn seb I heard Alec say. Shut up gay bitch. Dont you ever fucking call my friend that again you cunt Clary said. I tried to slap her but she grabed my hand and flipped me I landed on my back damn slut that hurt I said. Hey everyone the sluttiest man her just called me a slut. He is the one who sleeps with all the girls. I knocked her of her feet. She stood back up and punched the shit out of me. Now Mr.verlac anything else you won't to say to me. Nope I'm fine but I do won't you in the bed with me so we can have and few weeks stand. Izzy bring me your heels Clary said. Izzy stood up and took her shoe off next thing I know is I was hit like a thousand time with the shoe. Thank you izzy Clary said. You welcome clare. Hey jace you know what to do. Oh shit I thought. Oh Sebastian you still won't a weeks stand with me. Hell ya u do. Ok well let me look at my calendar to see when there is time for a Sebastian verlac. Ok it say never I'm the world will I ever. Now jace take him away please because I do not won't to be in prison.

Hey talk how did you like this Panda444444 thus us just the beginning of fucking revenge. Until next time my little warriors.


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