the mask prt 2

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Clarys pov

After he blind folded me he picked me up. Ok give me a sec and you can take the blind fold off. He put something around my hand. And the next thing I new I was blacked out

Paige break

I wake up naked on a bed. Then I hear a voice. The voice is all to familiar. Sebastian you rapist I said . you wouldn't come to me so I came to you. Bye darling. No wait why the hell would you knock me out. All you had to was ask me nicley and I would have done it. I lied. Oh really. Excuse me Mrs.fray will you have some fun with me. Yes I would love to I answered I lied again. As he got closer I picked up my heel while he was taking his shirt off. I hit him in the head. I put my close on and ran I called him.

Jaces pov

I was watching sia for Clary. All of a sudden I get a call from Clary. Hello I said. Help me I was just raped by Sebastian. Hurry meet me at java Jo es and bring my baby girl and my purse. Go into my room lift up .y mattress grab the knife and put it in my purse. Ok I'm coming on my way. I did as she told me we arrived at java Jones . Clary took her purse and then asked me to drive her to the police station. I did and she confronted the police they were able to get Sebastian BC he was still unconscious. Clary decided to hit him with her heels. I love this girl but I would never tell her right now. I'm gonna protect her. Excuse me ma'ma what's in your purse. Oh my make up phone knife and earbuds. I was going to go kill Him but I decided I have a daughter and I need to stay by her side. You made the right choice. Now I think you should go back to your family and have fun he will be in prison.

                       Three weeks later.
Clarys pov

Izzy my period is late I have been having morning sickness. Can you ho grab me three pregnancy test I said. Ya I can honey. I THINK I'm pregnant. If I am I am still going to love this child with all .y heart but I dont like that it is Sebastians child. Izzy comes back with the test. I do them and wait 20 minutes. I ho and look at them. One says no and two says yes. Izzy we need to schedule a doctors appoint ment today. Already on it she shouted. When do we leave I asked. Now come on let's go. We get there and wait finally they yes Clary and izzy. We get up and they bring us to some room. I wait then a doctor came in. Hello I'm doctor ally. She put some could fell on .y stomach and used a machine to see if I am pregnant. Well Mrs fray you are .......



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