Chapter 5

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Serena's p.o.v.

As I was walking home I felt like someone was watching me. I looked around but couldn't see anyone. I was probably just being paranoid. I shook the feeling off and did my usual after school routine. I struggled to walk home limping. I wish I could've accepted the lift from jay but how could I firstly my father would cereal out secondly if he saw where I lived he'd probably run for the hills and I didn't want to lose him. I stopped in the little shop and stocked up on alcohol for my dad.

When I got home I was met with the dim lights. The atmosphere was tense and dark like always. I tried to not disturb my dad and  I hurried to the kitchen and put everything away. I quickly made my dad something to eat and got him his whiskey. I felt nervous. I hope he'd just accept what I brought him so I could start on my homework.

He was sitting staring at a photo when I walked into the dining room. I thought it was of my mother. It was actually a picture of the three of us I was surprised my face wasn't scratched or coloured out like every other picture in the house. There was another photo on the table that I didn't get a chance to look at. When I placed everything down he snapped out of his reverie and started yelling. He picked up the plate and threw it at my head. I had made him the wrong thing how stupid could I be.

"You worthless good for nothing sl*t. If your going to go wh*ring yourself around I'll treat you how you should be treated. I'm so ashamed of you. Thank god your mother is dead so she doesn't have to witness such awful behaviour from her daughter."

At the mention of my mother tears welled up in my eyes. Then I saw what the photo on the table. it was me and Jay under the tree outside the cafeteria. I'm in deep sh*t. How did he get that. Was my father spying on me. Then the main cause of concern flashed in my head. What's he going to do.  Before I could even open my mouth to possibly explain myself, I felt myself being launched backwards.

He slammed me into the wall. I whacked my head and there was a loud bang. He held me by my neck successfully chocking me. I clawed at his arms trying to breath. He didn't like this and the anger in his eyes became more intense. Slowly black dots were filling my vision. I was trying to fight the darkness consuming me knowing if I didn't fight I probably wouldn't wake up. How much had changed since I met jay. If this had of happened before I probably would of accepted this but something made me want to live and that something was jay and the joy he brought to me. He finally let go and I fell to the floor coughing and gasping for air. I was Fighting the black dots clouding my vision. I was fighting for myself and jay.

My father called out to someone and they came into the room. Whoever it was threw my dad a wad of cash and my dad grinned. It wasn't a pleasant grin there was something sadistic about it.

Uh oh what's happening. I stared to panic I tried backing out of the room slowly trying not to attract attention. I had a bad feeling about W shay might happen but my father grabbed me and threw me at the stranger. I was terrified. This man smelt of drugs and smoke. I still had no idea what he looked like. My head was still pounding from hitting the wall. I felt dizzy and disoriented.

"Now my little wh*re show him a good time he paid me good money."

I started sobbing hard as I was dragged up the stairs. The man was dragging me by my feet and each step he went up my head was being banged off a step. I tried to kick him away but I was to weak. My vision was growing darker by the second from the constant hits on my head. I now knew exactly what was going to happen and I had no way to stop it. I couldn't run. I couldn't fight. I wasn't going to be saved. I had no energy from the whack to my head, lack of sleep and lack of food. When was the last time I'd eaten I can't even remember. Maybe a day or two ago. Jay had tried to get me to eat at lunch but I said I had a big breakfast. Stupid. Now god knows what's going to happen.  I just wished I had opened up to jay more. Today was probably the last day I'd ever see him. As the tears flowed I accepted my fate, and I gave up all hope. With that thought I closed my eyes and begged for the darkness to consume me.

There was a loud bang and my eyes flew open.
Then the door flew of its hinges  I sobbed in relief as I saw him. How was he here why was he here. Was this some illusion. What if it was real. Maybe I would be saved but I started to freak out when his eyes were pitch black. How is that even possible.  Then finally. Everything went black........

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