t h r e e

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I watched her lead herself down the hallway, passing people who were rushing to lunch. It's been a few weeks since she transferred here, so she got use to the people here. She squeezes herself pass two people who were talking and made her way towards me. Then out of nowhere a guy step out in front of me and sent her a smile, making her blush. They were right in front of me; I guess this prick didn't see me standing there, so I listened in.

"Hey, Azalea. I was wondering if you had a date to the spring dance this weekend..." The prick of a jock asked her. If she dared said yes, I would be pissed. There was no way she would go with a gu-

"No. I don't." I watched her smile, chewing on her lip. She continues to play with her hair, not even noticing I was right behind the guy.

"Well, I was wondering...if you would like to go with me to the dance." I watched her smile grow bigger and nod fast. The guy laughed nervously, as I shook my head. Wow, she was actually going to go with this prick of a jerk? I sighed and turned away walking outside the doors that lead outside the school. Hearing or seeing her saying yes to that guy, pissed me off. That guy will get what he wants and leave her high and dry. That not someone she needs in her life neither am I but I'm trying to keep her safe.

I stopped because I heard her voice say my name. It made shivers go down my spine the way she said it.

"EVAN WAIT UP WILL YOU." She came jogging up beside me, breathing hard. I looked over at her and rolled my eyes.

"Don't you have a dance to plan?" I stayed there and waited, wanting answers from her. I just couldn't help up think. I was going to ask her, me. Not some stupid jock who thinks he knows everything. Then I looked into her eyes, and got lost once again. I wanted to rub my thumb against her pink lips- what are you thinking, Evan? She doesn't like nor love you and never will. You're just some freak to her...

"I-uh...You heard already?" She asks softly, looking up at me biting her pink lip. God that made me want to give in to her. I wanted everything to just grab her face and kiss her passionately. But I can't and never will.

"Its not every day a jock asks a girl out." I tell her and ran off. I heard her calling out for me to stop and wait up. I never stopped just kept running until I made it home. I ran upset avoiding my mother's questions and eyes. I quickly ran into my room and closed, locking the door behind me. I leaned my back against the wall and screamed. I slide down the wall, I tried so hard to keep the tears in, but I felt one slipping down my cheek. I ran my fingers through my hair and grabbed onto the hair pulling it little by little.

I heard a bang on my door. "Let me in, Evan." It was her. Why would she follow me here..? Why would I let her in..? I'm not. I'm not giving in. That's why I sat and stayed silent, waiting for her to leave. "Evan...Please..." I heard her sliding down my door. I wanted to open up the door so bad but I wasn't going to let her win...not this time.


I slipped down the door, with my forehead again the door watching the tears fall onto the floor. I wanted to see him, to tell him that I was sorry, I didn't know what for, but I was. I upset him, and I already miss him. I heard someone walk up to me, and started to rub my back.

"Darling, come back another time." She told me. I shook my head.

"Just get him to call me...please...or text me...I need to talk to him anyways possible..." I told her.

She nodded and walked me out the house, frowning. I could tell she felt back for me...But she couldn't help it.

Scars. / / Evan PetersOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora